Chapter 4 - Friend Or Foe

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Outside The Barn

Sam's Pov

We drove for about an half hour or so, before parking the car in what looks like the middle of nowhere. We parked the car away from the barn, so the vamps wouldn't see us coming. We step out of the car and get our blades from the trunk. Since the way to kill vampires is cutting their head off. We start walking towards the barn and took a quick look around to see how many vamps there were. We couldn't see any.

"This is weird. Shouldn't there be some vamps looking out?" I ask dean.

"No, it's still light out. The sun will just hurt them remember? They are probably sleeping." He replied.

We continued walking until we came to a big door that would let us inside the barn. Dean slowly opened and walked in with me following behind.

Suddenly the door slam shut behind us. I quickly turn around to look, but then I hear dean.

"Sammy?!" I turned around again to face him when I see vamps everywhere. One with a knife to Deans throat.

"Lower the blade, Winchester." The vamp behind Dean said. "Or your brother becomes dinner."

Suddenly I felt something hit my head. I fell to the ground as my vision got blurry and I could barely hear anything.

"Sammy!" It was the last thing I heard from Dean before passing out.


Dean's Pov

"Sammy!" I yelled as they knocked him out. A vamp stepped in front of me and punched me in the face, to tell me to shut up. Then they brought us over to two chairs. They pushed me down in one of them and tied me up. Hands behinds my back. Tight so I couldn't get free. They did the same with Sam.

I looked at Sammy and noticed that he started to wake up.

"Hey ya Sammy." I simply said. He looked at me confused and then looked around to find out what was going on.

"What happened?" Sam asked me.

"Turns out they knew we were coming." I said with a small sense of sarcasm. 

"Winchesters! So glad you're here." A female said as she walked from the shadows into the light, so we could see her face.

"And you are?" I asked annoyed.

She walked up to me and squished her hand around my throat.

"I'm someone who will hurt your pretty face if you don't stop talking!" She said.

"Uh, what, no first name?" I said sarcastically as I was also trying to breath.

"My name is Amari." She said.

"Is that supposed to mean something?" I asked.

She let go of my throat and walked around a little before finally saying something.

"Not to you no, but to the little teen you have with you, it might." She said with a grin.

"How do you know about her?" I said angry.

"Well, a little feathered friend told me, that you were running around with someone special to the hole bible team."

"Son of a bitch." I said as I looked over at Sam. "Amber's dad."

"Oh! You know him. Well his name is Armaros."

"So, why are blood suckers like you doing heavens dirty work?"

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