Chapter 10 - Stuck Between Heaven And Hell

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Place Unknown

Amber's Pov

I have no idea how much time has past since that demon were here. But he hasn't been here since. And I still have no idea of what had happened when he burned me. I could still feel the pain on my burned skin. I was freaking out. It scared me that there's some demon boss that want me to be the protector of hell and that a part of me likes to be burned. It sounds crazy or like a unbelievable nightmare. The only reason I can some what handle it, is because it's not the first time I have been tortured where my powers have been activated. Although it is the first time something new have happened.

There was this one time when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old. It was one of the first extreme beatings I have received. It almost killed me and dad should had taking me to the hospital, but he wouldn't allow it. So instead he stitched up the worst wounds and made sure I didn't die. Then he just left me in the room at the end of the hall. All Alone. As always. But then the wounds started to get infected. And I got really sick. But Dad didn't check on me.

And then when I was at my lowest, I started to feel weird. A little like the weird feeling I got from being burned, but there was a little difference. Then this weird light blue and purple light started to show from my wounds and than when the light disappeared my wounds where gone. Only leaving scars.

That only happens when I'm close to death. Obviously back than I didn't know that it was because I have powers, but now after being burned, I think I can tell more clearly when my powers shows.

Then suddenly the door opened again and the same demon stepped in.

"Ready for round 2?" Was all he said before walking up behind me and placing the hot metal on my shoulders again. A part of me was scared and screaming in pain and wanted to get away as fast as possible. While another has kind of glad that he came back and instead of screams there were laughter. Inside my head. Which scared me even more.


At The Unknown Place

Dean's Pov

We finally made it to where Amber were suppose to be according to Cas. It's in the middle of the night when we parked the car a few minutes away from the place so we wouldn't be spotted to easily. She was in an abandoned asylum. We had done a quick patrol to see where there was less demons. And that was at the backdoor.

We moved slowly and quietly. Sam and I moved up behind them while Cas was distracting. Then they saw us but it was too late, we had our knife and angel blade ready and then we killed them. Then we moved into the warehouse. Sam and I was looking after demons and killing them if any spotted us while Cas was trying to locate Amber. Suddenly Cas started to look dizzy as he leaned against the wall.

"Dean. The energy is activated again." He said as I moved over to my friend to give him someone to lean on.

"Okay, maybe who ever or whatever that is, is with Amber so can you lead me to it?" I said as Cas was okay again.

"Yes. Follow me." He said as he wondered off with me and Sam behind him.

We had been walking for what seemed like quite a while, while killing demons and sneaking around to not be seen by any more then necessary. Then suddenly Cas stopped in front of a metal door.

"I think she's in there. But the energy stopped." He said. I looked at my brother and he immediately knew what I was gonna do. Cas moved out of the way while Sam and I moved over to the door. First we tried to simply open it, but it was locked. Then I quickly glanced at my brother and we knew what to do. At the same time we pushed the door with our shoulders.

After 3 or 4 tries it finally gave in and we moved into the room. I saw Amber unconscious in the middle of the room tied to a chair. Behind her was a Demon with two metal bars in his hands. I walked closer to her and saw that her shoulders was burned. It made me angry. Without thinking of getting any answers I ran up to the demon and killed him without hesitation. Then I ran over to Amber.

"Hey, hey I'm here. You're okay, You're okay." I said as she was starting to wake up. She opened her eyes and for just a split second I thought I saw her eyes turn to a light purple color.

"Dean?" She said quietly. I could tell she was exhausted.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm gonna get you out don't worry." I said with a little hesitation from what I thought I saw.

Suddenly Amber's face turned pale and she stared terrified at something behind me. I turned around and to see that both Sam and Cas was unconscious. And then I saw him. Amber's Dad. Without thinking I ran towards him, ready to kill him. But using his powers he made my knife fly out of my hand and when I was standing in front of him he placed two fingers on my forehead and knocked me out.

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