Chapter 8 - Safe And Sound Or Beaten And Broken

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Motel Room

Amber's Pov

5 Days Later

I was Tapping my feet to the music in my headphones. I was listening to a song Dean had showed me a few days ago. It was a Bob Seger song called 'old time rock'n roll'. I had been obsessed with the song since. I was lying on one of the beds in the motel room. I was alone. Sam and Dean was out hunting something called a Rawhead. I had no idea what it was but it killed kids. I am honestly surprised they let me on this case.

Even though I had spend countless hours of fighting training with Dean and research sessions with Sam there past few weeks, they still didn't let me fully go on any case. They say it's because it's too dangerous but I feel like there is still something they aren't telling me. They only let me on milk-run-cases so that I could get out of the bunker every now and then. Never on big cases. Like hunting a werewolf pack or a vampire nest. Those types of cases can take a up to a week. 

Despite that I still like living with them. They didn't hurt me and they didn't get mad at me and punished me when I made a mistake or did something wrong. Well they did but it would be the 'I'm disappointed in you' and 'you're grounded' which is so much better then getting stabbed or drowned. I felt safe with them. Honestly I didn't want them to find and kill Armaros, because if they did it meant they would send me to their friend Jody. She sounded nice, but I would much rather stay with the boys and hunt monsters and save people. To help make sure no one would experience the same as me.

Suddenly the door to the motel room started to move and I quickly grab the knife Dean had given me a few weeks back. Ready to defend myself I watch as the door opens and I see Sam and Dean walking in looking tired and exhausted. I relax and put the knife back down.

"How did it go?" I asked as I moved away from the bed so the boys could go to sleep.

"Well, it's dead and the kids are safe so that's a win." Dean said tired. 

"But..?" I asked since it sounded like there was something else to the story.

"The Rawhead wasn't working alone." Dean said as he sat down on the bed trying to keep himself a wake for a few more minutes. I looked at him confused as Sam took over.  

"It was working for Demons." Sam said. He looked worried at me.

"D...Demons?" I asked. I didn't know they existed. 

"Yeah, they exist." Dean said as he could see the shocked look on my face.

"Okay... Why are a Rawhead working for demons?" I asked when I had finally endured that. 

"We aren't sure but I think it has something to do with you." Dean said concerned.

"" I said nervously.

"But, don't worry we won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Dean said with a serious voice. I nodded, but they had made me a little uneasy.

"Okay, case done. Let's get packing and go home." Dean said clapping his hands together. Sam and I nodded and we started packing. It was dark out but the boys wanted to be out of town before anyone came asking questions. 

I grabbed my duffel bag and packed the few thing I had brought with me. Some clothes, a knife, gun, phone, charger, headphones, and a few lore books. When I was done I helped Sam and Dean pack their things. Then I took a few bags I knew I could carry and walked outside to pack it in the impala. It was unlocked since Dean had just put some bags of his own in the trunk. We walked past each other, him going back to the room and me walking towards the car. I put the bags down and suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt someone was watching me. I turned around to look but there was nothing.   

I took a knife from the trunk and checked if Sam and or Dean had come out but they hadn't. As curiosity took over and patients for the boys to came out had disappeared I walked towards the small amount of trees there was on the other side of the parking lot. The hairs on my neck was telling me that it was a dumb idea but I kept going anyway. 

Suddenly hands was grabbing my shoulders and a bag was put over my head making everything turn black. 


Dean's Pov

"Okay, case done. Let's get packing and go home." I said clapping me hands together. Sam and Amber nodded and we all started packing our things. 

I quickly packed my own things and then packed all our weapons. Then I grabbed the bags and walked out to the impala. Unlocking the trunk I threw the bags into it. Leaving the trunk open for the others I walk back to the room as I pass Amber who was carrying a few small bags. I walk in and see Sam finishing up. Making sure Amber can't hear us I turn to my little brother.

"So, It's not just Angels that want her." I said. He looked at me with concern.

"Yeah, Demons want her too. But why?" He asked. 

"I have no fricking clue. But even if we do find and kill Armaros, she still isn't safe because there will be demons after her." I said frustrated. 

"Well, when we kill Armaros, she could stay with us and..." Sam started but I cut him off.

"No. She is not gonna stay here longer then needed. I'm not gonna take that risk." I said very serious at my younger brother.

 "But Why not? I mean sh-"

"Damn it Sammy I said no! You know damn well why I don't want here in this life for long!" I said making myself angry. 

"But that happened years ago! And she didn't start of with a normal life. Hell she doesn't really know what normal is." Sam said getting frustrated. 

"I'm not taking the risk. When we kill Armaros she is going to Jody's and we will deal with the demons while she is there. Where she is safe!" I said ending the conversation before starting a new one.

"Hey shouldn't Amber have been back by now?" I asked confused. We share a quick look before storming outside to see the trunk still open, Amber's bags being there, but no Amber.

"Amber!?" I yell trying to find out if maybe she just went for a little walk. We searched the parking lot when suddenly Sam finds something.

"Hey Dean over here!" I run over to him hoping he found Amber but with no one but Sam and the smell in the air I become worried and angry at the same time.

"Can you smell it? Sulfur." Sam said. And he was about to continue when I cut him off.

"Demons." I said angrily.   

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