Chapter 7 - Your Senses Can Be The Key

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Matt Anderson's House

Amber's Pov

I was standing behind Sam and Dean as Dean knocked on the door and a man came and open the door. I could smell this weird smell, but for now I just let it slide.


"Mr. Anderson?"

"Yeah that's me, who are you?" He asked.

"I'm special agent Gabriel and this is my partner special agent Collins. We wanted to ask you a few questions about you siblings murdered." Sam said.

"And who is she?" Matt said pointing with his head towards me.

"It's take your daughter on work day." Dean said. It made me smile.

"Okay, come on in." Matt said as he walked towards the living room.

The boys sat down on the couch while sat down on a chair beside them. They started to ask Matt questions while i simply observed. He seemed cold to the fact that his younger siblings were dead. After a little while Dean looked at me with a look that said 'go look around the house'.

"Excuse me? Can I use the bathroom?" I asked as politely as I could.  All the attention was suddenly on me.

"Uhm, yeah its down that hall. 3 door on the right." Matt said pointing that direction.  I nodded and looked at Dean for a moment, he nodded in response before I walked off to 'go to the bathroom.' I walked down the hall and looked at all the things they had. Pictures, mirrors, candles, drawers. There wasn't really anything out of the ordinarily.

Suddenly this awful smell became stronger. I followed the smell curious to find out what it is. It leads me to a door at the end of the hall. The smell is stronger and as my curiosity takes over I open the door and walk down the stairs. It must be the staircase to the basement. I could feel I was making myself uncomfortable by being here. The smell was getting stronger and stronger the closer I got. It smelt like death. When I got all the way down, what I saw made me speechless. The dead little sister was tied up in the room. And she was breathing! But she was unconscious. While trying not to scream I walked back upstairs. I walked back to Sam and Dean in the living room. They gave me a concerned look. I think they could see the terror on my face.

"Well, thank you for your time Mr. Anderson." Sam said as he walked towards to front door. I followed with Dean right behind me. We walked back to the car and stepped inside. 

"What happened?" Dean asked concerned.

"Uhm, I uh... There was a uh...." Was all manged to say.

"There was what?" Sam and Dean said at the same time.

"The little sister... she was down there. And she was alive."

Sam and Dean looked at each other for a moment before Dean suddenly turned around and started the car and we drove off to the nearest motel.


The Motel Room

"What just happened?" I asked with a panic in my voice as we walked into the motel room. The boys were pretty calm about the whole situation.

"Listen, The little sister is a revenant. Me and Sam will deal with it tonight okay. Right now we'll just do some research and find out who to kill it." Dean said. "You don't have to worry about it."

"But, I wanna help."

"You can help with research, but we'll take care of the rest of the case." Dean said with a very serious voice, looking directly at me.

The Hell Girl [2] - HuntedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora