Chapter 11 - Act On Instinct

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The Asylum

Sam's Pov

I woke up with my head pounding. I tried to moved my hand to my head, but I couldn't. I was tied to a chair. Everything went so quick. I most have been knocked out. I look around to see Amber, Dean and Cas tied to their own chair. Dean and Cas was still unconscious, but Amber was awake.

"Amber?" I asked softly still trying to wake up.

"Sam? Thank god you're okay." She said relieved, when she suddenly gets punched.

"I told you to shut up!" Armaros practically yelled in her face. She flinched and I could see tears in her eyes.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled at him. He turned and walked over to me and punched me.

"You winchesters really feel sympathy for this... monster?" He said as he glance over at Amber with a disgusted look. "That abomination will destroy the world if you don't kill her"

"I think the only monster here is you." I said trying to control my anger. "But I do have one question though. If she really is such a monster then why not just kill her when you found her?"

"I have my reasons for punishing her." He said. "For one... she got me kicked out of heaven." He said creepily calmly.

"What?" Amber and I said at the same time.

Suddenly there was movement from the chair beside me. It was Dean who was waking up. He was sitting in between me and Amber.

"Wh...what? What happened?" He asked, looking around. First he sees me then Amber.

"Amber! Are you okay?" He asked. She just nodded. She have the same terrified look in her eyes. It made me angry knowing that Armaros could make Amber that terrified with just being in the same room.

"What do you mean Amber is the cause you were cast out of heaven?" I asked turning back to Armaros.

"What?" Dean asked confused. I ignore him, focusing on Armaros. When I didn't answer Dean did the same.

"They didn't believe me. I told them but they didn't believe that she was a monster!" Armaros yelled.

"Who?" I asked, trying to make it all make sense.

"The angels." He said with a disgusted tone. "I was just doing my job... answering prayers. When suddenly this woman prays to me and asks for her child to survive." He explained still in a disgusted voice.

I glanced over at Amber who was looking at Armaros shocked and terrified.

"I didn't think Angels listened to prayers." Dean said.

"We do, just... rarely." he answered.

I turned back to Armaros when he continued to talk.

"So I decided to help her. I possessed a vessel and found her." He said angry, as he walked around us, like a crazy psycho. "But when I met her... I could feel something was wrong with her baby."He continued looking at Amber. "It wasn't a baby, it was an abomination."

"Why? Just because she got some special powers? That doesn't make her a monster. That just make her special." I say angry. I glanced at Amber and she had a small shy smile on her face as she look at the ground. "I mean look at me. I had Demon blood in me, but I'm not bad. I didn't go dark side."

"I know about your little adventure with demons, that happened a couple of years ago." Armaros said.

"But... why torture her?" I asked going back to his sick story.

"I went back to heaven to warn that there was an abomination that was about to live. But they didn't believe me!" He yelled and randomly hitting Amber.

"Don't torch her, you feathered Bitch!" Dean yelled at him. Armaros replied by punching Dean.

"They cast me out after I went back to earth and tried to kill her precious mother!" He said as he again walked around the room. "They hid her from me. They thought I was confused. That I was disrupted. That I disobeyed." He continued as he was getting angry.

"The only good thing about it was that.... They stopped keeping track of me. It took me a few years but when I finally found you were 4 years old. I possessed her dad and started of with observing." He said.

"Well that doesn't sound creepy at all." Dean said sarcastically. Armaros looked annoyed at Dean before continuing.

"When I found out that she did have powers, I knew I was right. So I killed her mom and moved to a new state to punish her."

"So, Because you thought that she was some monster and that Heaven kicked you out, you decided to torture her? She's a kid!" Dean yelled.

"She is the reason my life if destroyed!" Armaros yelled in Dean's face.

"No, I think you did that all by yourself." Dean said sarcastically. Then Armaros once again punched Dean.

"I think I need to teach her what happens when she tries to replace me." He said in a creepy voice.


Amber's Pov

I was so scared. Sam and Dean were both trying to get free without being spotted. It was scaring me even more to see my dad again. To be scared of him again. Well I never stopped being scared of him, but I was able to push it down because he wasn't around. Because I found a place where I felt save.

Armaros walked out in the dark part of the room for a minute or two before coming back again. He had a knife in one hand and a hammer in the other. He walked in front of Sam and was looking at the knife and hammer as if he was trying to decide which one to use.

"Don't you dare..." Dean said with an angry yet calm voice. Armaros just glanced in return before smashing the hammer on Sams arm. He screamed out in pain as his arm broke.

"YOUR A DEAD MAN, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Dean yelled louder than I've ever heard. Without even saying anything Armaros turns to dean and stab him in the shoulder. He groaned in pain.

"Leave them alone, please!" I begged knowing it was no use but I had to try. I had to try and do something good for them. After everything did for me. Armaros simply glanced at me for a moment before again stabbing Dean, this time in the leg.

He went back and forth between Sam and Dean, Stabbing, Hammering, punching and kicking them. They were bloody, bleeding and bruised. They were groaning and yelling every time they got hit. They were tired. I had to do something. And fast.

"Please just leave them alone! Let them go and take me. We can go back home. Back to the old ways. I won't run away, I will obey no matter what, I promise!" I begged.

"Oh, We will go back home, don't you worry. But not until you have learned your lesson. And until they are dead." Armaros said with a smile on his face. It made me angry. Sam and Dean saved me, some random broken girl and took me in. Gave me a home and a family. I can't let them get hurt... I won't let them get hurt. I was getting angry. No, furious. I could feel my body temperature raise. I was trying to move against the restrains on my arms. I felt like I was going insane. They need to be safe.

"Let them go!" I yelled at Armaros who just looked at me, but with a hint of confusing. He could sense that there was something wrong. I was getting more angry. I could feel my shoulders burning. As if that metal was again on them. But they weren't. I started to get that mixed feeling again. The feeling that I both liked and hated being burned. I could feel my veins boiling. Then suddenly my vision. It chanced.

"Let. Them. Go!" I yelled, before breaking my restrains and tackling Armaros. I screamed in his face. I drilled my fingernails down in his chest, at the heart area. I drilled down and I could feel the blood and flesh around my fingers. He screamed as a white light appear at his eyes, mouth and the wound I created. Then It went dark again. And he was laying there, on the floor. Lifeless.

That's the last I remember.

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