Chapter 12 - Safe But Broken

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Amber's Pov.

I blink rapidly to make my eyes adjust to the bright light. I look around and see that once again I'm in a hospital. I don't really remember what happened... wait. Did Armaros die? Did I killed him?! Oh God I did! how could I possibly have the power to do that?

Then I remember Sam and Dean. And what happened to them. I look around the room to see that I'm alone. I start to worry if they are okay. I have to find them, make sure they are okay. Suddenly the door slowly opens and a woman comes in. She looks scared. Behind her is a police man. His hand on his gun in his belt.

"How... how are you feeling? Are you calm?" She asked almost... scared? Why would she be scared?

"Uhm... Yes?" I answer confused. "What happened?" The woman who I presume is a nurse seemed to calm down at my answer.

"You came in here a few days ago running and screaming. Saying you needed help. That your family was hurt and we needed to help. They were in what I presume to be your dad's car. And-" She said before I cut her off.

"Wait my dad?" I said nervously.

"Yeah, you said the shorter guy was your dad and the taller was your uncle." I looked at her in shock. I told them they were my family? My actual family.

"What happened after that?" I asked still in a calm voice, careful not to scare her.

"Uhm... Your family was pretty hurt multiple broken bones and stab wounds, but we were able to stabilize them. But you..." She hesitated before continuing.

"You were bleeding and had burn marks on your shoulders and your temperature was so high your skin should be boiling. You were out of control. Screaming and shouting about your family, until we manage to calm you down with medicine." She said waiting for my reaction. I just stared at her for while before finally speaking up.

"Wait. Did you say a few days ago?" I asked as I realize what she had said earlier.

"Uhm.. yeah because you were so badly hurt you needed to stay here and rest but every time you were awake all you wanted to do was to go to your family to make sure they were okay." she replied.

"And are they? Are they okay?"

"Yes they are. I can tell them you are awake and calm if you want to see them?" she said.

"Yes, yes please, I would like to see them" I said excited yet tired.

The nurse and the police left the room and close the door behind them. I started to think about what she had just told me. That after I killed Armaros or I think I killed him. I managed to some how carry both Sam and Dean to the car and drive to the nearest hospital. Then my skin was suppose to be boiling, whatever the hell that means. What the hell am I?

Suddenly the door opens again and Sam and Dean Walks in. They are bruised and have a few stitches on they forehead and cheeks. Sams arm is in a sling. And Dean was limping because of his leg. Dean looked at me and immediately goes over and sits on the side of my bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked softly but I could clearly tell he was worried. Sam walked to stand beside his brother.

"Uh, I'm fine I think. Can't really remember anything that happened though." I said honestly. They shared a look before looking at me again.

"Eh, well we had hoped you would had remembered what happened because we don't" Dean said.

"Oh... Well that's just awesome." I said sarcastically. "What about you? How are you feeling?"

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