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"So how was Matt? He seemed nice," Mom began as we laid the table. "Much nicer than that last boy,"

"Who's this ?" My Dad entered the room.

"Margot went out with Matt today," Mom explained, setting down a matt to put the pot which held dinner in on.

"So he's just a friend?" Dad rose an eyebrow.

"Well he came to the door to pick her up and when he dropped her off," Mum rose an eyebrow, filling up glasses of water. Grandma must've already gone to bed, so it was just the three of us.

"Well its nice to see you getting out there. Especially after that last boy... that one you wrote the song about... the Tyrone one," Dad said, sitting down at the table.

"I mean he didn't really raise the bar high." Mum rolled her eyes, carrying over the pot of soup for dinner.

"Guys, it's early days. We're talking newborn," I joked serving myself dinner.

"She's telling us to shut up," Mom looked over to dad with a smile.

"Embarrassing parents alert," Dad chuckled.

When I woke the next morning, my mind instantly thought of school with dread until a certain someone drifted into my head. Matt would be there.

Getting dressed, I went downstairs with a skip in my step, and it was easy for my Mom to notice.

"What's got you all cheery?" Mom asked suspicious, sliding me a cup of coffee as I sat down at the breakfast bar.

"Nothing, I just slept well," I had a generous gulp of coffee.

"So, enough sleep to maybe eat breakfast?" My Mom referring to the fact that I never had breakfast of a morning, especially of a school morning.

"Mom, I don't think there is ever enough sleep to eat breakfast." I laughed.

"Okay, well take a banana so you can have something for second period, since you're always hungry by ten, I made you a coffee to go."

That was my cue that had I had leave for school.

Pulling into the school car park, I drove past Matt's car, finding a spot nearby. Pulling my backpack from the front seat, I walked past his car as I walked in to find him in his car.

Changing my path to his car, I let myself in, sitting next to him.

"I saw you walking by and I was hoping you would come without me having to call you over," Matt smiled, putting down his phone.

"Oh don't you worry," I grinned, leaning over to kiss him, expecting more before he pulled away feverishly. I frowned. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, but, maybe just at school and around our friends, we're not too obvious," Matt scratched the back of his head.

"Okay," I nodded. I understood what he meant.

"Sorry, it must seem like I'm not that into you. But I am, I really am, but lets just keep it on the down low right now," Matt was nervous and in an effort to be affectionate, he held my hand.

"No, I agree with you. I know with our friends they would go insane,"

"Well that makes it easy," Matt grinned, squeezing my hand. "But before we have to go, can I kiss you properly?"

Nodding, Matt did and it was the perfect start to a drab Monday.

Ancient History with Jaden and Bridget was arguably one of the best classes. We both loved the content in class and doing it with the three of us made it even better.

We had a substitute teacher that day and sitting at our desks, we worked quietly on our work. Bridget was currently talking about how Nick was leaving to college in a week. She talked about how great their time was this weekend, briefly mentioning the sex, a few hundred times.

While she seemed distracted, she was in fact upset that Nick was going. Who wouldn't? Not only was Nick going three hours away, he was going to college where he would meet new friends. Of course Bridget would be worried that the relationship might not test the distance.

Jaden: Bridget, he's mad about you, Nick would never cheat or leave you for another chick.

Bridget: But what if he did?

Jaden: He's not!

Bridget: But what if?

It continued like this for a bit until I was fed up.

"Bridget Aminoto," I hissed through my teeth, trying not to direct attention to myself. Not like I would anyway though, the classroom was already filled with conversation. "As someone who has done distance with the ones they love, you just have to create the trust and know that they aren't going to do anything. Don't try and push yourself,"

Taking a deep breath, Bridget looked back at me.

"You're right,"

"I know,"

Sitting back, I began to think about how much stress the element of distance created for Bridget. This was what happened in relationships. I tried to tell myself that of course that wouldn't happen with Matt and I, but perhaps it would. It's senior year. In the universe in which we are still together by summer, what happens? I want to move to New York, to work with a label there and live in my family's apartment there. Matt wouldn't be doing that. Perhaps he would go to college and do something else. Nevertheless, I began to have second thoughts.

But then again, nothing ever lasts forever, but you still persevere, right? So I tried to instil that logic. Perhaps you just had to accept it.

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