Chapter 1

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Their eyes pierce your soul, while your there sinking your fangs into their neck. You stop. A single drop of blood hits the floor, you wipe the blood from your mouth. They lay there. Eyes closed. Bleeding. And all you can think about is when your next feed is. Blood thirsty eyes glancing down at the body that is now lifeless. Now you realise what the beast you are!

First day back at school, everyone's jammed pack in the gates, trying to get into the school. You're probably thinking why I'm not in the chaos, well that's 'cause I get here early to meet my two best friends and so I can dodge the crowds. I sit at the picnic benches every morning looking at the gates. One by one they manage to break free from the crowd. That's when I see him. Well I see his bag first, black and white chequered stands out from the crowd then I see the blackness of his hair. Finally he's escaped with his friends. I'm now in a deep daydream staring into space, but that's before I got rudely interrupted. Well it's not all bad I guess. As I said I was just sat there day dreaming when a hand came down and hit me on the shoulder. I was so scared I screamed and fell off the bench. I opened my eyes to see him there, standing over me with a hand out. I saw his big blue eyes looking down at me, I grabbed his hand and pulled myself up, never loosing eye contact. I finally got my words together and stuttered.

"T-thanks erm..."

I couldn't believe it; I forgot his name. I felt so stupid.

"Lewis and its no problem really. You ok though?"

"Y-yeah well my knee hurts a bit but I'll be fine."

It was like I was in one of my day dreams then someone grabbed my arm I knew who it was straight away. They started to pull me away a little from Lewis.

"Come on Alex, lets go you don't want to be hanging round with this lot all day."

I knew there was some tension between both of them so I just said,

"Ok Alfie, we'll be late anyway. Thanks again Lewis."

"It's fine, see you round... Alex."

He smiled at me while Alfie was pulling me away. I looked back at Lewis, he was stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at us, laughing.

"I can tell you like him, don't see why though."

He was in one of his moods. I really hate it when he goes in a mood for no reason.

"Well I don't like him that much, I barely know him."

He squeezed me tight and smiled, I thought it was a bit strange but I went along with it. As we walked away something caught my eye, a group of pale boys and girls, they were looking at us. I looked at them even more, they opened there mouth, all of them. Two long, big fangs hung from the top set of teeth. I blinked, they were gone. Was my mind playing tricks on me?

"Come on then Kaye will be wondering where we are."

Kaye was my other best friend, we're all in the same classes. We're always together well not always, I still wonder why Alfie acted like he did round Lewis, I never asked though. We finally got to tutor base, where Kaye was sat there with her long blond hair tied in plaits. She was looking down at her book listening to music, we slowly walked up to her and sat down one at either side of her. She still didn't notice us. So Alfie did what he did to me, she didn't scream though. Just jumped a little, we started talking then Alfie started to change the subject,

"Guess who ran into Alex this morning."

"Well if you didn't scare me so much then I wouldn't have started to talk to him."

"It wasn't really talking if all you did was stutter."

He pulled a face at me, I pulled one back, before I even got my say Kaye interrupted.

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