Chapter 10

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It was another new day, I looked out the window, looking at the world I would miss, the sun would bounce off the snow and light up the outer world. A fresh blanket of snow ready for the foot prints of small animals or people, who I would be jealous of from now on. The world outside my window was a world I would no longer know.

Lewis came in and closed the curtains, then looked at me. He has changed since I came to live with them, he used to smile alot more now he won't talk to me and when he does it's to order me about.

"No going outside. No looking outside."

"Lewis, whats wrong?"

He ignored me and started to walk out the room. I pulled on his sleeve.

"Lewis please don't ignore me."

He turned and looked at me, he looked like he was hurting.

"You can never be with him. Or me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your always with him, always laughing, talking, smiling with him. You used to smile like that when you saw me. I knew that you could never be with me, there was always a price to pay, sometimes, when I'm by myself, I remember back then, when you used to cry and shut the world out, I used to find you asleep in my bed. When I used to pick you up and take you back to your bed, somehow you managed to find your way back to mine. I used to wake up with you next to me. You were always with him or me, no one else."

He left the room shutting the door behind him. I was alone again, no sun light, no snow and no contact from anyone outside this house.

At dinner it was dark and silent, I finished before everyone else so I just sat there looking at the curtain waiting for someone, anyone to come in and open that window and free me from this darkness. I know it's only been one day since I haven't been outside but this darkness is really depressing, no wonder vampires in stories are so depressed and angry. What Lewis said started to buzz around my head, 'You can never be with him. Or me.' What excatly did he mean by that? Everyone left the table, I stayed behind so I could go in the indoor garden without anyone finding out. 10 minutes went by, I left the dinning room and went across the hall to the indoor garden, I pulled out the key from my pocket and unlocked the door. I got ready for the cold air to hit me, i sqeezed my eyes shut and opened the door. I waited for the cold breeze, there was none. I opened my eyes and saw darkness, I looked up to were the sky used to be, now it was boarded up. A roof over the indoor garden, the snow was blocked out, the sun light never to be seen by these eyes again. I closed the door and went up to my room, it was the only place I could go now. I laid on my bed, trying to get to sleep, I couldn't get comfy. I got up and started to walk to Lewis's room, my feet lead the way. His room was quite close to mine so it wasn't a long journey, his room wasnt locked either which was useful. I opened his door and went straight to his bed, lifting up the covers I laid next to him and started to drift off to sleep.

"Alex? Shouldn't you be in YOUR bed?"

"I couldn't get to sleep in my bed."

I yawned and moved in closer to him as half of my body was hanging off the bed.

"You should go back to your bed."

By the time he finished his sentence I had fallen a sleep with my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm come down on my arm, he pulled me closer and put his head on mine. I heard him whisper to me,

"Good night my sweet."

I woke up the next day in Lewis's bed, alone. I walked down the corridoor seeing a dark red liquid on the floor, I followed it down to the entrance of the house. There was a crowd of people looking down on something, I pushed people a side to see a boy's body lieing on the floor, Alfie and Lucy were stood next to the body. I screamed and shouted.

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