Chapter 5

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It's finally the weekend; I think Alfie's taking me out somewhere today. I had the weirdest dream last night; these eyes were staring at me, just staring at me always staring at me with blood red eyes. I woke up in the middle of the night and I thought someone was in my room but when I blinked the figure was gone. Is my mind playing tricks on me again? I was looking in the mirror till I saw an image in the corner of my eye I turned round and nothing. My mum shouted up to me.

"Alex, Alfie's here."

I grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. Alfie was stood outside the door smiling.

"Have fun Alex."

"I will mum. Bye."

We walked down the path together. I kept seeing things in the shadows, something moving.

"Alex are you ok?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine. So where we going today?"

"I thought we could go to town."


We kept walking till we got to the bus stop. When we got there, I saw something move near some trees. It was only us at the bus stop, it was pretty deserted. I kept looking round.

"Alex are you sure you're ok? You keep looking round."

"I'm fine. It just feels like someone's following us but not behind us, in the shadows."

We heard a branch break; we both turned quickly and looked.

"It's just a bird; come on the bus is here."

We got on the bus and sat on the back seats. We started to talk, when I noticed it was a foggy day. There's something scary and mysterious about foggy days don't you think?

The bus stopped and a group of kids about our age got on.

"Hey, don't we know them?"

Alfie looked at them then he had a worried look on his face. It was quite a short bus journey. The bus stopped again.

"This is our stop come on."

We got up and started to walk to the bus door. The group started to get up too. We got off the bus then started to walk for a bit, the group followed us but from a distance. Alfie lead me to a quiet place, I tripped over.

"Alex are you ok?"

He bent down to help me. I lifted my trouser leg up; a trail of blood went down my leg.

"Oh I'm bleeding."

"This is bad."

I looked at him. I noticed his eyes changed to a reddish colour. He was looking at the group that were about to turn the corner.

"What's wrong Alfie?"

I turned my head to see what he was looking at. The group was just about to turn the corner when Alfie picked me up.

"Hold on tight."

He ran into the nearest building then put me down on a chair. He lifted up my trouser leg then looked at me.

"Erm... by any chance do you have a tissue or something?"

I looked around in my bag but I still couldn't find anything.

"Sorry haven't got one."

"Maybe I could help."

A hand appeared holding a tissue. I grabbed the tissue and gave it to Alfie who was staring at the person who gave it to us. He looked angry.

"You're bleeding pretty badly."

I looked at the person who had red eyes and was really close to me.

"Rick you stay away from her now!"

I moved my chair further away from him, I could tell Alfie was really angry now but I don't know what he's capable of.

"What are you talking about? I just came to see if my friend Alex is ok."

Alfie stood up and pushed my chair a little further away. Two of Rick's friends moved closer to me.

"Don't call Alex you're 'friend'! You're the lowest scum of all and you know nothing about her."

"I know that her blood smells so delicious."

He looked at me, I blinked and the next thing I new he was stood next to me. He grabbed my face and pushed my head to the side. I tried getting free but it was impossible.

"You let her go now!"

Two other vampires grabbed hold of Alfie, he couldn't get free either. Rick licked my neck; I tried moving out of the way. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he got closer to my neck, I heard Alfie shouting and screaming. I closed my eyes tight. I felt the tip of his fangs touch my neck, his hands loosened around my face. I opened my eyes and I saw him lying there on the floor. I saw Alfie hitting the other vampires and I saw Lewis hitting Rick. I got up and ran out of the building and tried to hide somewhere, anywhere I don't think any of them noticed I was gone. As long as I got away from them. I hid in a clothes shop, changing rooms and closed my eyes hoping it would all go away.

I was in there for an hour just thinking about anything. I heard footsteps coming towards my cubicle. I squashed myself into the corner even more thinking the worse. I saw a hand starting to pull the curtain open. I sat there watching it open a little each second. It finally opened. Alfie was stood there looking at me. I jumped up and gave him a hug, he wrapped his arms round me.

"Are you ok?"

"I am now you're here."

We stood there for a minute or two. We walked out the shop, Lewis and his gang were outside waiting for us.


Lewis came up to me and gave me a hug.

"How did you know that we were in trouble?"

"Call it vampire's instinct."

He held my hand tightly.

"How's your leg?"

"It still hurts a little."

He picked me up and carried me like a baby.

"I think it's time to take Alex home now Lewis."

I looked at Alfie and nodded, I saw something move in the shadows again. Were they following us?


That night I had the same dream; those same eyes were staring at me. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a dark figure stood at the end of my bed, it moved closer to me. It was on my bed knelt over me, it opened its mouth. I saw two big, sharp fangs coming towards me. I sat up and screamed. My dad came running in.

"Alex, are you ok? What's happened?"

"I'm fine. I-I just had a nightmare."

He went over to the window.

"Did you open the window?"

"Yeah I think so."

He closed it. I knew for a fact I didn't open that window but I know what did. He left my room, I heard him on the phone to someone a minute later. I listened in wondering who it could be.

"Are you sure she'll be fine? It's just that she's just screamed and the window was open. Shouldn't I tell her the truth?"

I couldn't hear what the other person said. There was silence from then on; I fell asleep half an hour later when I was sure everything was fine.

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