Chapter 6

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I usually go out on a Sunday but I guess today was different. I stayed in my room most of the day, I went down stairs a few times to get food and that's it. I made sure my window was closed and no one could get in. I heard voices coming from down stairs, so I went to investigate. I slowly walked onto the landing and peered round the corner to look down the stairs, I saw Lewis there talking to my Dad quietly. I stepped a little closer every second but making sure they couldn't see me. I put my foot down and had my head round the corner; a loud creek came from the floor. I pulled my head round the corner and sat on the floor encase they saw me. Still sitting down I put my head round again, they were still talking. "Maybe she should come with us?"

"But what about her family? What do we do?"

"You can come, you are of pureblood. But her mother on the other hand will have to stay we can't let her know about our existence."

I heard someone walking up the stairs. I ran to my room and sat on the bed. 5 seconds later my door burst open then Lewis walked in. He looked round my room for a bit.

"Lewis are you ok?"

He left the room then came back in with a suitcase, he started going through my draws and pulling all my clothes out, putting them in the suit case. I noticed that he was about to go to my pants draw so I ran and blocked him from going in it.

"Why are you putting all my clothes in that suitcase?"

He pushed me out the way and opened the draw. He looked at it and pulled the whole thing out. He emptied it into the suitcase. I grabbed his arm hoping he would stop.

"Lewis what are you doing? And don't ignore me this time!"

He looked at me and sighed loudly. My dad walked in.

"Alex you're going to be living with other people."


I didn't understand. So I pushed Lewis and my dad out the way and ran down the stairs. I opened the door and saw Alfie stood there.

"Alex are you ok?"

I started crying; he pulled me towards him and hugged me.

"I guess you heard that you're moving."

"Yeah, everything's changing and I don't want it to."

He looked down at me.

"Everything's going to be ok."

"How do you know that? Everything could go wrong!"

He hugged me and told me it was going to be ok.

He looked at me then sat me down on the door step, "You do know that I'm going to be there as well, at the new house."

I felt like crying again.

"Who else is going to be living there?"

He sighed. "Well Lewis, me, my mum and Lewis's group. Well most vampires live with us."

The door opened straight after, I got up and saw Lewis in the door way. I felt embarrassed; I didn't want to look at him after everything that's happened. My dad came out and gave me a hug. "Don't worry, I'll come see you." He let go, I got pulled away by Lewis. He opened the car door; I got in and looked out the window. Looking out at the houses in my street and wondering if I'll ever see them again. Alfie then climbed in the car and sat next to me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, they kept rolling down my cheek faster and faster, I didn't want to leave. The car started to move out of the street. I fell asleep 10 minutes later. I felt a hand on my arm and someone whisper, "Alex, we're here."

I opened my eyes slowly; I looked out of the window and saw a line of trees leading up to a grey house. The trees bare, blue flowers blooming out of season and ivy climbing up the walls. I opened the car door and stepped on to the cobbled path, I started to walk up to the grey house without even thinking. The path was covered with brown and orange leaves, making a crunching noise when I stepped on them. I stopped and looked up seeing a snowflake floating in mid-air. It started to snow even more, covering the bare trees, the blue flowers blooming out of season and the ivy climbing the walls. Lewis came up to me and grabbed my hand; he walked me up to the house while carrying my suitcase.

Alfie opened the door for us, Lewis walked in first, I let go of his hand and just stood in the door way looking at the chandelier hanging from the roof, and the crystal stair case leading to the second floor and the beautiful paintings around the walls. Alfie and Lewis stood looking at me; I stepped forward onto the tiled floor that sparkled when the light hit it. A woman with long, flowing, brown hair came out of a door near by and started to walk towards us. She wrapped her arms round Alfie.

"Why do you only come home once a week?"

"This place reminds me to much of 'him'."

She let go of and turned and looked at me.

"So you must be Alex, you look so much like her."

"Like who?"

I looked at her confused, she just stood there looking at me, thinking about something to say. There was a 5 minute pause when Alfie broke the silence.

"Alex this is my mother and the new owner of this house."

"Who was the last owner of this house?"

They all looked at each other; Alfie looked down at the floor. This time it was Alfie's mother who broke the silence.

"Should I show Alex to her room?"

"I'll bring her suitcases up in a minute then."

Alfie's mother walked to the crystal stair case, her long dress trailed along the floor. I followed her up the stairs and long the hall way, past all the opening doors of the vampire residents. As I walked past the vampires they my name?

"You really do look like her you know."

"Like who?"

She looked over her shoulder at me then looked back.

"Your mother."

I stopped. "My mother? You know her?"

She kept walking down the hall way, I walked a little faster to keep up with her.

"I knew her before..."

She lowered her head.

"Before what?"

She stopped at a door, pulling a key out of her pocket; she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"We left it exactly how it was that day."

I walked into the room towards the four post bed. I sat on the silk covers and looked around the room. I seemed to remember it from somewhere but I couldn't work out where. Alfie and Lewis walked in the room 10 minutes later with my suite case, Lewis walked around my new room looking at everything while Alfie stood at the door looking at me. Lewis walked towards the door then stopped. "Dinner will be in 15 minutes in the dinning room."

He left the room leaving me and Alfie alone.

"Alfie what do you think about all this?"

He was playing with the frame of the door.

"About what?"

"About me, being here?"

He looked at me, his hand still on the frame of the door.

"I think it's for the best."

"Is that what you really think?"

"I think you should be careful in this place."

He walked out of the room, he shouted from the hall way, "Remember dinner in 15."

I was left alone after that sat on my new bed.

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