Chapter 4

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Another day at school, another day of boring school. It's like everyone's rushing by and they can't see me. They just see a bench, an empty bench. It's like I'm screaming but no-one hears me. It's like I don't exist, I'm just a fragment of someone's imagination. But then again were would I be if this is all I think about?

And then it hit me. Well yeah a football did hit me in the head while I was waiting for Alfie, and ok I did land on the floor but Alfie did come and help me up. He's always there for me.

"Alex are you ok?"

I looked at him. He had a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine."



"Do you know you're heads bleeding?"

I felt my head then looked at my hand. I saw a dark red liquid on the tips of my fingers.


"Alex calm down we'll just go to the nurse."

The next thing I knew I was in his arms getting carried away. I woke up in the nurse's office, he sat there next to me. I'm always causing trouble for him. Somtimes I wonder why he even stays my friend.

"Oh you're awake. I guess you don't like the sight of blood."

"I'm alright with blood, I guess it was just the shock."

"Oh the football."

"You waited for me?"

"Well yeah. Why wouldn't I?"

I felt myself go red. I started to get up and get all my stuff but Alfie stopped me.

"You can't go yet. What if you faint again?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry."

He lifted my head up so I was looking at him.

"Well then, how come you're still bleeding?"


I got lost in his eyes. I couldn't hear anything he was saying to me.



"You're heads still bleeding."


He got a tissue and wiped the drip of blood off my head then looked into my eyes,

"Should we go then? Here hold my hand so you don't fall."

I got off the bed while holding his hand, he picked up my bag and opened the door for me. We then walked to tutor together; he kept his arm around me to keep me steady.

We got to tutor and saw someone sat in our space. We then realised it was Kaye. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug but Alfie just stood there staring at her, he didn't look happy to see her. I then looked at her, she had a black eye.

"How did you get that black eye?"

I then thought about my dream, Kaye got hit in my dream now she has a black eye? Something strange was going on.

"Erm... well some idiot hit me."

I looked at her, she looked at Alfie and Alfie looked at me. I could sense that Alfie knew that I knew she was lying and I think he knows I know what happened that night.


"Erm... two nights ago."

I kept looking at her mouth when she talked to check for fangs. But I couldn't see any, she moved her mouth to quick.

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