Chapter 8

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A couple of days went by, Alfie hasn't had contact with anyone in the house, and he just sits in his room but stare outside. Lewis said he will take me back to my old home to get the rest of my stuff and to see my mother. I haven't spoken to her since I moved; I wonder how she's doing. Dads rang a few times to see how I was doing, I feel like he's hiding something from me.


There was a knock at my bedroom door then Lewis walked in,

"It's time to go."

I got up and followed him to the car, I stopped at the end of the path and looked up at Alfie's room, he was stood at the window looking down at us. I got in the car, getting ready for the long journey ahead. I watched the trees go by and in no time at all I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming shut; I looked out the window seeing my old home and my dad in the door way smiling. I got out the car and started to make my way round to the house when I heard something heavy drop on the ground. I turned and looked to see what it was. A group of boys were stood looking at me, two of them ran for Lewis, another two ran for my dad and the last one just stood there looking at me. I heard Lewis shouting at me "RUN AND HIDE" as he was being tackled to the ground. I started to run down the path, looking back at Lewis who was now pined to the floor and looking back at my dad who was trying to pull away from the two boys who were holding him back. I couldn't see from the crying anymore, I turned the corner to only find the same boy who was staring at me stood in front of me. I tried to turn back round but the boy grabbed me wrist and stopped me in my tracks. He picked me up and put me over his shoulder. He started to walk back to my old home, I wanted to kick and scream but something was stopping me. We got back to the house, I saw Lewis trying to fight them off, I saw my dad laid on the floor eyes closed, getting beat by one of the boys. I got all feeling back in my body, I kicked the boy who was holding me in the stomach, I jumped of his shoulder and pushed him to the ground. I ran towards my dad, I pushed the boys away from him, I tried to wake him up but it was no use. My tears were dropping onto his body; I then felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. I heard Lewis shouting, I heard his footsteps running towards me and I heard a car door slam as I fell into the darkness.


I woke up in a dark room, my wrists and ankles tied to a chair and voices I couldn't make out. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was in a cold, dark room, there was a stone table in front of me. Behind it was a smaller wooden table with four people around it. I tired to untie the rope around my wrists with my teeth; I kept an eye on the people round the wooden table so I knew where they were. I had untied one rope when one of them looked at me; I sat back in the chair and pretended to be a sleep.

"She's still not awake?"

"Doesn't seem like it, Rick won't be happy if she isn't a wake anytime soon."

I opened my eye a little and saw they were back at the table talking. I untied my other wrist then untied my ankles, I was free. I got up and walked quietly over to the nearest door; I opened it and saw what looked like 10 vampires a sleep. I closed the door quietly then walked in the shadows to the next door, I was about to open the door when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I went to scream but a hand covered my mouth. I looked at the person; I couldn't see their face because of the darkness. "Shhh, were going to get caught."

The person stepped into the light, then a few others stepped into the light, it was Lewis, Alfie and a few other vampires who stayed at the house. Lewis walked pasted me trying to see where the people round the table had gone, Alfie grabbed my hand, Lewis looked at us, "Take her away from here Alfie we'll follow you."

Alfie looked at me, "Are you ready?" before I had the chance to answer he started to run through the shadows with me. There were times when the light hit us, we kept running, I looked behind us, Lewis wasn't there like he said he would be. Where was he? We stopped at a door. "It's locked." Alfie pulled some more at the door. He stopped and pushed me towards the corner, I heard footsteps coming towards us then laughing. "Are you looking for this?" A figure holding a key came into the light.

"Rick don't you lay a finger on her."

"Oh I won't be."

Alfie pushed me further into the corner; another figure came out of the darkness.

"But I will."

He looked at Alfie then me.

"I see you haven't turned her back to a vampire."

"So you could just get your dirty fangs on her?"

The figure stepped closer even more.

"That's no way to speak to your father now, is it?"

He looked at me, Alfie stood in front of me making sure no one could get to me. I didn't know what to do.

"You haven't told her have you?"

"She doesn't need to know, it'll just scare her."

"Told me what?"

He stared at me again then laughed.

"About what happened to you."

"Don't you say anything to her."

He moved closer to us.

"You we're a vampire, infact you were one of the strongest vampires of this time, you held powers that only vampires like me could dream of. Thats why they hid you from the rest of the world in that house but they couldnt hide you from me. I attacked that house trying to get to your power, you were only little so you couldnt use your powers just yet so to protect you, your mother gave up her memories and vampire life to turn you into a human girl. It's a shame it broke little Alfie's heart, he fell so in love with you and now you can't even remember it."

I saw Alfie getting angry, could it be true that I used to be a vampire? I looked at Alfie, he whispered to me, "When I say so run." I nodded at him, waiting for my que to go.

"So thats why I want you, to turn you into a vampire and get all your powers."

I kept looking at Alfie, when was he going to say run?

"Alfie my son, why do you plan on getting in the way?"

"I'm not going to let you get her. NOW ALEX RUN!"

He pushed his father out of the way letting me run into the shadows once again, I had no idea where to run to. I just kept running, I tried every door I came to but each one lead to no where. I saw Rick coming from where Alfie was. I had to hide somewhere but he was to fast. I found a cupboard close by, I sat in it hopeing he wouldn't find me. I heard foot steps coming towards the cupboard door, I squashed myself further back. The door handle moved a little then a bright light hit my eyes, Rick stood there looking at me, he lifted his arm up, in his hand was a large sword. I crawled through his legs as the sword crashed down just missing my leg. I ran towards the stone table forgetting how fast he was, I finally got to the stone table, I looked up and saw him there sat on the table with the sword balanced on the tip of his finger. I edged back slowly.

"Why do you have to run so much? Sometimes i wish you would just stay put."

And with that my feet were frozen solid to the floor, I tryed to move but it was no use. He jumped off the table and walked slowly towards me, he started to pull the sword up above his head. My heart pounded out of my chest every step he took.

"I'm going to make you regret being alive! This won't hurt abit."

He dropped the sword on the floor and stood behind me. He pushed my head to the side, he opened his mouth, the tip of his fangs touched my neck. Just as he started to put pressure on to my neck, he fell to the floor. A arm went round my waist, they picked me up relieving my legs from the ice. They put me back down, I turned round to see Lewis standing there. He called over one of the other vampires to take care of me while he helped Alfie. They found the way out easier than I did, there was a car waiting, I refused to go while Lewis and Alfie were still in there, they wouldn't listen to me and forced me into the car. I cried all the way home, I couldn't believe I just left them there.

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