Chapter 11

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Alfie looked around the dim room, straw was scattered around the room, there was a little window, big enough to fit a some girl through though. I walked to the window, there was a lake at the bottom, we must of been on the second floor. Someone started hitting the door, Alfie passed me a sword, first where was he keeping it all this time? And second what was I going to do with a sword? The door burst open, Alfie stubbled in the room, two Alfies where stood in front of me. They looked at each other, the one stood on the right was the one who took me to this room, the one on the left was the one who had just stumbled in. They started to argue, getting louder and louder.


They looked at me, their blue eyes sparkling.

"I'm the real Alfie, Alex."

"No I'm the real Alfie."

"STOP! The real Alfie would know what my favourite flower is."

The one on the left talked first.

"The poppy? Daisy? No, sunflower."

Then the one on the right talked.

"It's the rose, the red rose."

I ran up to him and hugged him, the other one turned back to his normal self, Alfie pushed me towards the wall, I looked towards the window, wondering if I could get through it.

"You always have to ruin my plans, don't you."

Alfie bent down, his whole body covered in hair, he morphed into a wolf, he looked at me then the window. He ran at his dad and bit his neck, I ran for the window then jumped out, the breeze hitting me as I flew through the air into the lake below. The water was freezing seen as though it was winter, I started to swim to the grassy bank, another person jumped out the window, making a splash as they entered the water. Another body came out of the window also making a splash when they entered the water. I sat on the grassy bank waiting for them to get out of the lake. Alfie came out first, bleeding, he layed on the snow. I moved towards him, he started to get up.

"Alfie are you ok? Whats happening?"

He looked at me then stood up.

"He's not dead yet, he's got alot of damage though."

I saw his dad crawling up the bank towards us.

"Run! Just run, anywhere!"

I got up and ran towards some woods, I kept running, my legs felt like they were going to fall off, I came to a clearing. I sat down on a log, trying to catch my breathe, I looked around, I was by myself. A hour passed and I decided to leave the woods, my heart was still racing, every noise I heard scared me a little more. I couldn't help but be a little jumpy, I saw the castle through some trees, I ran out. I saw a body lieing near the lake, I ran as fast as I could towards it. I stepped with caution when I saw the blood stains in the snow, I saw Alfie laying there in a pool of blood, I fell to the floor kneeling down next to him, I grabbed his hand.

"Alex, I got him."

He struggled to breath, he looked at me, he was getting paler by the second.


I started to cry, I couldn't loose another person.

"I'm going to die Alex, I'm loosing to much blood."

I hugged him, my tears falling into the pool of blood, I couldn't stop the crying, I hugged him more and more. I thought about the vampires in movies, when they drink someone else's blood they grow stronger or stay alive.

"What if you drank someone else's blood?"

He pulled away and looked at me.

"Alex no, I'm not going to..."

I interupted him.

"Alfie, you have to, I can't let you go."

I pushed my hair away from my neck and tilted my head to the side, there was still blood dripping from when his dad bit me, his fangs pierced my skin, I closed my eyes, I could feel him drinking my blood.

"Alfie thats enough, you can stop now."

He wouldnt stop, he pushed me to the ground, holding my wrists to the floor, I tryed to kick him away but I lost all feeling in my legs, he finally pulled away. My blood dripped from his mouth, he wripped it away with his sleeve.

"I'm sorry I took so much Alex, I guess I was hungry."

My eyes slowly closed.

"Alex? Alex."

I could hear his voice, then Lucy's voice.

"She's loosing too much blood Alfie, you know what to do."

His fangs re-pierced my skin, I could feel something rushing through my veins, through my heart, I felt a hunger for blood grow. I opened my eyes, I saw Alfie looking down at me, he cut his arm and put it to my mouth, I bit down into the cut, feeding my desire for blood.

"I'm sorry Alex, for doing this to you."

I re-closed my eyes, I felt his arms under my body, I felt him picking me up and putting me in the car, I heard the car engine start. I finally fell into the darkness.


The thirst for blood grew through out my body, I opened my eyes, the bright lights burned them, I was layed on a crisp white bed, in a white room, there were machines next to the bed, I sat up, feeling my neck, there was four puncture holes. I looked over to see Alfie a sleep on the sofa, there was a tube layed on the sofa next to him. I got up off the bed and walked over to the tube, I picked it up and unscrewed the top, I pulled out a long sword, I recongised it from yesterday when Alfie gave it to me. I looked up, I saw the snow outside, I put down the sword and pulled off all the wires off my body. I opened the window, a gust of window hit my body, I climbed out of the window and landed on the cold ground, I buried my feet in the snow, I sat down keeping my feet buried. I looked up at the night sky, it started to snow again, I decided to climb back through the window and sit on the bed for a while. I noticed a withered flower in a pot on the bed side table, I touched it gently, it started to come back to its orignal self, full of life and colour, I moved back a little. I looked around the room, seeing unlit candles, I stared at them, they started to light themselves, I stared at the sword wondering if I could move it. It lifted up, then flew into the wall, I got up and pulled it out of the wall. What else could I do?

"Alex? Your a wake."

Alfie run up to me and hugged me tight.

"I thought I had lost you."

He pulled away and looked at me, I had snow on me, a sword in my hand and a scared look on my face.

"Alex what have you been doing?"

"I don't know."

I looked at him, I could see his veins, I wanted this boys blood. My head started to hurt, I closed my eyes, it was like a movie was playing in my head, all the memories I had lost suddenly came back to me, I wrapped my arms around Alfies neck, I stood on my tippitoes, I looked into his eyes, I leaned in closer to him and placed my lips on his, he pulled away five minutes later.

"I think we should go home."

He picked me up, I held his neck and buried my head into his shoulder, he opened the window and stepped down onto the snow, he walked all the way home with me in his arm. This was my life now, a vampires life.

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