Chapter 2

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At break me and Alfie sat outside of Art, waiting for Kaye. We watched everyone walk by, we talked about stuff that was going on in school. I saw a black and white chequered bag, my heart pounded as i saw Lewis walking our way. I don't think Alfie noticed at the time. That's until he came up to us.

"I heard you hurt your leg."

"Y-yeah. But its fine now, Alfie helped me with it."

"Was it bleeding?"

Alfie didn't say anything. I looked at him, I knew he was getting angry.

"Yeah it was bu-."

"You would know if she was bleeding!"

Alfie interrupted me. He was stood up face to face with Lewis, I stood up, standing in the middle of them. I looked a t Alfie in disbelief.

"What do you mean by that Alfie?"

"Lewis knows what I mean!"

He stormed down the corridor, moving everyone to the side. I watched him walking away from me.

"Alfie! Alfie Come Back!"

I wanted to run after him but something well more like someone stopped me.

"Just leave him. He'll be fine trust me."

And with that he grabbed my arm and smiled at me. I tried to break free. But he was stronger than me much stronger. He looked into my eyes. I felt like he was looking down into my soul.

"Alex, you shouldn't let him control you."

"He doesn't control me."

He smiled again. I looked down the corridoor again hoping Alfie would walk back to me.

"You look sad. What's up?"

I looked away. But he made me look at him. I had to look up; he was taller than Alfie but not by far. He pushed my chin up gently and pressed his lips against mine. And all the time he was kissing me I couldn't stop thinking about Alfie. He moved away. Opening my eyes I saw him smiling at me. He looked away.

"I'll see you round. Right Alex?"

"Yeah sure."

I watched him walk away. I watched him walk past Kaye and Alfie. I watched Alfie walk past me. I hope he didn't see. I didn't mean for it to happen. I wasn't even sure what just happened. My heart wouldn't stop racing.


The bell went five minutes later, we were sat in Art in silence, I was sending Kaye notes. I asked her if she saw me and Lewis, sadly she said yes. I was scared in case Alfie saw, will he say anything? I kept looking at him. He looked at me, I turned away quickly. I looked back, he wasn't there! Where was he? I felt a cold shiver down my spine, then a voice whispering to me,

"Be careful of who you have as your friends."

I turned round to see if anyone was there but there wasn't. I looked back at Alfie's chair, he was back but how? He was staring at me with a broken smile, my eyes filled up with tears. I looked down making sure my hair covered my face. I didn't want him seeing me upset.  

I ran out the class when the bell went. Kaye caught up with me. We walked to next lesson together, talking about what happened at break. We nearly got to science when I saw something strange. There was a hand coming from a cupboard.

"Kaye look over there."

I pointed to the blood covered hand. Kaye stared at it for awhile.

"Alex relax it's probably a plastic joke hand."

I didn't stop and think. I just went up to the cupboard. I pushed the door open and turned on the light. I couldn't believe it. It had taken me about 20 seconds for it to sink in. She's dead.

Rose my friend. When it did finally sank in I let out a massive scream then fainted. Well wouldn't you if you saw one of your friends dead, their body covered in blood.


I woke up in the first aid room. Alfie was holding my hand. Kaye sat on the opposite side of the room asleep.

"You're awake!"

Alfie was so happy but I could tell he was still in a mood with me.

"It's not like I was seriously hurt."

"I know but I'm just happy to see you're beautiful eyes."

He smiled at me sweetly.

If only it was like that. I woke up to Alfie and Kaye arguing.

"I know it was you just admit it."

"Alfie you can't prove anything!"

"You smell of her blo-"

"Shhh she's awake."

They both looked at me then smiled.

"Hey how you doing?"

Alfie always did break the awkward silences.

"I'm fine. So what's happening with erm... you know?"

They knew exactly what I was talking about. They both looked down. Then Kaye got up, looked at me then turned away, I knew it was bad news. We just sat there in silence. There was a knock on the door then the nurse walked in.

"Alex you're parents are here. You're going home early."

I grabbed my bag and hopped off the bed.

"I'll see ya later. Right Alex?"

Kaye always came and saw me after school, we just talk and stuff. I got out the door when I heard Alfie and Kaye talking,

"You're not going to hurt her like you hurt Rose are you?"

"How do I know it wasn't you who hurt her?"

I thought nothing of it and kept walking.

"Alex! Alex wait I need to talk to you!"

I turned to see who was shouting after me, it was Alfie. But what did he want? Wrapping his arms around me, I knew I never wanted him to let go.

"What's wrong?"

He just hugged me even more.

"I'm just happy you're ok. Be careful, ok?"

"Ok, I'll try."

I had no idea what he was on about, he just hugged me then left.

"Just keep your eye out for people close to you, I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you."

He started to walk away. I thought about what happened at break, I need to say something but what?

"Alfie, I'm sorry about what happened at break, I didn't mean for it to happen."

He turned and smiled.

"It's ok, it wasn't your fault. I'll see you tonight, we'll talk then ok."

He walked away, my smile faded as he walked further away from me. I had to run to catch up with the nurse, I was still dizzy so I was bumping into walls. I turned the corner and saw them there. They were quite tall, I walked up to them. My dad hugged me tightly, then started to walk me out of school. I looked to my left and saw them wheel Rose's body out to the ambulance. She had a white sheet over her. I couldn't believe someone would want to do this to her. I looked down, I felt like crying. In no time at all we were at the car. I could finally go home and cry and forget the world.

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