Chapter 7

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It was time for dinner in my new home; I walked down the crystal stair case. I thought to myself who would have a crystal staircase in their house? Every step I took made a little tapping noise; I got to the bottom when I remembered that I had no idea where the dinning room was. I looked in every room, when I noticed a door that seemed a little weird as there were flowers engraved onto the door. I walked with caution towards it. There was a gap in the door, I looked through it. It seemed to be a little garden, I pulled open the door. A cool breeze hit me. It was snowing. I stepped into the room, onto the snow covered grass. I saw a tall tree with rope hanging down from one of the branches. I walked towards it touching every flower or leaf that my hands came across, a big bush came into my path, I pushed it apart. There was a clearing, the tree with the rope hanging down from one of the branches was in the middle, I walked up to it, seeing a plank of wood at the bottome of the two ropes. Someone had made a indoor garden with a wooden swing, I looked around at the beauty that was right in front of me, the snow landed softly on the flowers and leaves. I then sat on the swing and looked at snow falling in the garden. I didn't realise but I started to swing a little. I felt like I had been there before when I was little with someone. I stopped swinging when I noticed someone was stood in the doorway. I turned and looked at them.

"You're late."

It was a little boy.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know where to go."

He walked away back into the house. I ran after him.

"Wait can you tell me where the..."

He had disappeared. I noticed there was a lot of commotion coming from the room opposite the indoor garden. I opened the door a little, there was a small table and people putting plates and cutlery down on it. Was this the dinning room?

"Alex are you lost?"

I stood up and looked to see who it was. A boy with black hair, it was Lewis.

"Yeah I am. No one told me where to go and then a little boy came and I asked him but he just ran away."

"Well come on we're going to be late."

He opened the door we were stood near; Alfie was sat at the table looking out the window at the snow, all the people who was setting the table had gone. Lewis walked me to the chair next to Alfie. He slapped Alfie across the head, "concentrate."

Alfie looked at me then back out the window. There was silence for awhile when Alfie finally said something.

"Don't you think the snow is beautiful?"

He kept looking out the window, Lewis didn't say anything he was just looking at the door.

"I think its beautiful, if I could I would sit in it all day just to look at it."

He laughed a bit. Lewis interrupted, "How longs Lucy going to be?"

"She said she would be down any minute"

I looked at Alfie wondering who Lucy was.

"Lucy is Alfie's mother."

At that moment the door opened and Alfie's mother walked in. She walked down to the head of the table.

"Sorry I took so long there was some business I needed to take care of. I trust you found this room Alex with no trouble?"

Before I even got the chance to speak Lewis spoke for me. "Yeah she found it fine."

For the next half an hour there was silence while we ate. After that I went up to my new room alone and fell a sleep.


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