Midnight Occurences

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It turned out the threat of being expelled was no threat at all. The kid who came last, Midoriya wasn't expelled. Percy had no reason to panic in the first place.

The first day had gone by so quickly, Percy almost couldn't believe it was already over. It was perhaps the most exciting day of school he'd had in a long time- one that didn't involve monsters or ridiculous plans to kill or kidnap him.

"I'm ready to go." Percy said to Todoroki who was waiting patiently, leaning against the exit door.

Once the two travelled home, Percy went to his assigned room and flopped on the sleeping mat. He wasn't exactly tired- well, maybe a little, but he was still trying to wrap his head around everything.

He'd travelled to a completely different world, one where everybody had powers known as quirks, taken a formerly possessed daughter of Nike named Holly along with him, regressed to age fifteen and been shoved into a hero training school.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

Percy was sure that the responsibility was his to get both him and Holly back home, his only problem was he had no idea how to accomplish that.

He needed to warn the Camp about Nyx. It wasn't long after the battle against Gaia, and already another greater being was plotting against them. A primordial at that.

Percy's head snapped up when he heard the bedroom door slide open. In the entranceway stood Holly. She was dressed in her Japanese school uniform. It was quite different from those that they'd wear back where they're from.

"I just got back from school." She said, slightly out of breath. Clearly Holly had rushed here after school had ended. "And I may or may not have gotten lost on the way back."

"Fail." Percy sniggered.

"Shut up. Not everybody has a guide like you do. All I got was a crappy old map." She settled down on the futon beside Percy, near his feet. "You stink."

"Thanks. I've been running around all day." Percy wiggles his toes in her face and she scowled, pushing them away.

"If you're gonna do that I'll leave." She stated. Percy settled down. It was nice to have company. Sometimes the silence was scary. "Why've you been running around?"

"Quirk testing or something. We had to do a whole lot of tests using our quirks. That was pretty much all we did. The teacher's a bit of a weirdo though. He literally showed up to class in a sleeping bag."

Holly giggled at that. "My teacher isn't bad. But making friends isn't easy. I don't know anything about where we are. Not to mention given the local school, everybody knows each other from elementary. I'm just the weird transfer student from nowhere." Her face had become solemn.

"Thing will get better. I promise you that. But if you ever need me to come down, I will." He said seriously. Perhaps he shouldn't be promising that things would get better. Who knows if they'd ever make it home?


Percy was aware that he was dreaming. He stood just outside a cabin surrounded by blooming trees. Cherry blossoms. He'd seen plenty of them around Japan.

His senses were dull to nonexistent. It was weird not being able to smell anything. Maybe that's because everything was artificial.

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