Chapter 7 - What am I going to do

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*Drake's POV*

I got home and layed in bed thinking in frustration what the hell am I going to do

I thought to myself

NO What the hell just happen Crystal and Brooklyn are coming on Friday.

I can't cancel my night with Crystal she's amazing and I didn't want to ruin my chances with her and I don't want he to think Im a giant tool, but I don't want to mess with Brooklyn neither, he's a man with high priorities and doesn't want to deal with, lets just say inconseptions.

What am I going to do, what am I going to do. I was extremely tired Im going to think this thought in the morning when my mind has rested and is fully refreshed. I slowly fell asleep.

Beep, beep, beep

Turn of you stupid alarm.

Oh my god, Oh my god Its Thursday they're both coming tomorrow

Crystals coming and Brooklyn what am I going to so.

What's Brooklyn going to say about me having a girl at my house.

I called Crystal, Brooklyn will be here at about 8:00 Pm tomorrow

"hello Drake"

"hey Crystal change of plans"

"what do you mean"

she said im frustration

"Come over in an hour"

"but Drake Im working"

"Im so sorry but I really need you"

"Ill be over as soon as possible"

She hung up

I've sorted out the plan, it should be fool proof.

It was 3:41

Ring, Ring

I jumped up and raced to open the door it was Crystal she looked amazing and she wasn't in her uniform. She wore a short sleeved yellow t-shirt and  sleeveless unzipped black hoddie like jacket  with skinny jeans and vans.

"Hi Crystal"

"Hi Drake sorry about how I look I was in a rush coming home from work because you called"

"Luckily I got my boss to let me have the rest of the day off, I faked a fever"

"Thanks for coming"

I said with a smile on my face

"So what's the emergency?"

she said whilst looking around the house as I lead her to the kitchen table and sat down on the bar chair like stools.

"I know this is to soon to asked you because we just met but you have to pretend to be my girlfriend!"

"Look drake your an amazing guy but no, im not going to be your girlfriend"

She got out of here seat and headed for the door

I ran infront of her and locked the doors all of them

"Drake what are you doing"

My senses and her posture told me she felt scared and she was panicing.

"Drake let me go"

she was im panic mode her voice was loud but shakey

"If I explain will you listen and then decide"

she bit her lip an took a deep breath as she sat down onto the sofa,

"Make it quick, Im giving you 3 minutes to explain."

'Thank you, any way the other day I was at a party with a friend and he said he would come over some time to sort out unfinished buissnes ... and remember how I asked you if you could come over Friday, after you left he called and said he's coming Friday.

"Ok I understand that, but what's it got to do with me being your girlfriend?"

I sat down beside her and looked her way.

"Because I didn't want to cancel on you because your the most amazing person I've met so far in my life and secondly what's Brooklyn going to say if he asks why do you have a girl in our house if your not dating"

"Why does it matter to him"

"Brooklyn is a man with high priorities and lets just say he doesn't like to deal with complaints."


we didn't talk not even after dinner. she made me some Black coffee like he always does and cooked up some burgers.

we sat down and walked a movie still she wasn't talking to me.

it was 11:06pm

"Its getting late ,are you sure you don't want to go home?

"I'll be honest with you I just moved here from England and I don't really have any where to stay an I don't have enough money to keep living in my apartment"

"oh erm, its ok you can stay here with me for a while."

"Thank you"

We headed to the bedroom.

"Don't you have another room?"

he asked

"No not really its only me living here, you could sleep with me in the king sized bed or on the floor which is really hard and uncomfortable."

She didn't have her pyjama's so she just took off her sleeveless hoddie like jacket and took off he shoes she was wearing just her yellow t-shirt and jeans.

I went to the bathroom and put on my shorts and a t-shirt. I slipped into bed and looked over at Crystal she was asleep she looked so peaceful and beautiful.

I snuggled closer to her an drifted of to sleep.

A/N:  Thank you all for reading and commenting on my book thanks for being so supporting even when I left so many cliff hangers which tipped some of you of.

keep reading and go murder button now.

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