Chapter 10 - Tipsy

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a/n: Dedicated to @Msbookwormlover for her Birthday

sorry for the first part of this chapter we are trying to write it up but only one of us have wrote it on paper and she's gone on holiday.

But we are trying our best to get her to update so for now enjoy this chapter.

*Drake's POV*

After me and crystal got ready for the party tonight, I took one last glance in the mirror and fixed my hair one last time.

"Come on Crystal lets go"

I shouted to her

As she walked down the stair she looked amazing, better than that she was smoking hot. And the way her dimples complement that beautiful smile.

"Shall we go?"

she said giggling at me

before I held the door open for her. I searched my pocket for my keys locking the door. I took out my car keys and unlocked the doors to my white Camero. I sat inside Crystal sat down beside me and I couldn't help stare at her.

"Drake eyes on the road"

she said with a giggle as she blushed which made her look even hotter than she was. Her hazel eyes looked fierce and gave her a dangerous look.

I glanced over at her, as her eyes locked onto mine, she was an image of perfection, her hazel eyes were.just beautiful.

I leaned in closer to her, with both of our noses pressed against each others, my arm one on the steering wheel and the other on her neck, our lips almost meeting. I had an urge to kiss her right then but some part of me wanted to hold back. I couldn't stop myself I wanted this so much, never in my life had I an urge to kiss a girl but with her it was completely different, when I am around her she makes my heart skip a mile a second, could I stop myself in time, No I turned my head quickly

I coughed

"erm we should probably go or we'll get late"

Brooklyn's house was quit far was quite a long ride.

There was a long silent throughout the whole ride, and not hearing her voice was killing me, as every second passed by. Her voice was so soft and soothing like an angel from the heavens above.

we had entered into a small dark tunnel, as we exited there was a big black gate with a guard in the booth


said the secutiry guard his voice very deep and heavy

"Sure thing"

I said as I swiped my card

The gates openned up and to ny supprised I saw a Very big mansion it had to have atleast 6 bedrooms. with many of the coolest car I saw a matt black farrari with white alloys and the number plate read

Br00k Lyn 91

I parked my car in the corner where there wasn't may cars around.

As me an Crystal stepped out of the car I locked the doors behind us, And just stood there.

"Drake, come on what's wrong?"

she asked me

I leaned back against the car and stared into her eyes.

She stood there looking confused at first until she stepped in closer to me, I held both her hand and hugged her pulling her in closer. She wrapped her arms around me. I looked down at her, she looked back as I pressed my lips on her forehead.

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