Chapter 14 - The Cruise

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*Crystal's POV*

Its Friday, me and Drake will be accompanying His friend Brooklyn and his girlfriend alexis oin a cruise to celebrate their 1 year anniversary together dating. Drake was downstairs eating breakfast as I was packing up our bags for the weekend out at sea.

I heard footsteps run up the stairs as I saw Drake enter into the room.

"So you looking forward to the cruise?" Drake asked folding up a shirt before placing it into the suitcase.

"Sure, as long as Im with you" I said looking over at him with a smile.

We finished packing up and took our bags downstairs.

It was 2:56 So one of Brooklyn 's men would be here to pick us up any time soon.

"Knock knock knock'''

I followed Drake as he headed towards the door before opening it up.

"excess me are you Drake and Crystal Russett?"

"Yeah" Drake replied to the mysterious man dressed in a suit and dark sunglasses

"Get your stuff and come with me Mr Brooklyn. Price has arranged for me to take you to his cruise ship" He said his voice was very deep and heavy.

Drake and I carried our bag out and placed them into the boot of the car. As the chauffeur opened the door for us as we sat down inside. It was about a half an hour drive from our house, when.we arrived to the harbour it was empty but smelt alot like fish.

An amazing cruise boat caught my eye it looked like something you would see in the movies,it was beautiful. My day dreaming was interrupted when my beautiful boyfriend began speaking in his velvety voice "crystal we should be getting a move on Brooklyn is waiting for us on the boat" he pecked my lips and laced my fingers in his as he led me towards the boat.

* Drake's POV*

I was starting to get nervous Brooklyn was very mysterious and sly man who isnt impress easily. Me and Crystal walked up the stair into the ship where we greeted by Brooklyn an Alexis.

"Ah Drake nice to see you could make it, welcome aboard"

"Nice to see you too Brooklyn" I repied as he shop my hand firmly

Brooklyn snapped his fingers as his assistant Ash came toward him.

"Yes Ash could you show our guests to their room" He said

We followed Ash to our room where we saw a hige king sized bed with a bedsid table, a wardrobe, and a huge bathroom. Me and Crystal dropped our bags and looked out the window to see a beautiful scenery.

"Where is the cruis taking us?" I aked Brooklyn as he walked into the room.

"Its a 5 day cruise around the see and back to the harbour, where you can both head of home" Brooklyn said

"Well I'll leave you and Crystal alone for now Ash will be coming down in a.couple of hours.were you will accompany me and Alexis to a fancy dinner, Ash will come and show your way around."

Have a nice day Drake" He said before exiting the room.

I yawned as I layer back falling on the giant bed. It feels like Im sleeping on a cloud. Crystal joined me as she crawled herself over me.

I tired my.arms around her waist as she positioned her hand check as I catched her lips with mine moving in sync, as Crystal bite my lip I felt myself smirk on her lips. We both sat up as I moved Crystals soft golden hair away from her face allowing me to see her dimples and adored smile. Stroking her face she was so beautiful

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