Izuku Midoriya x reader 🌻 Those Awkward Moments

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Basically reader-Chan is like fem!Katsuki except toned down in the anger area and socially awkward. Just some cute fluff to start this book off.


You were having a bad day. First, you woke up and didn't have any clean clothes. Then, you took a walk outside and someone ended up splashing water on you with their quirk. Next, a small child slammed their sundae onto your shirt and they started screaming at you, blaming you for their ice cream.

You ended up buying them a new sundae with the last amount of money you had.

And finally, you were walking home, an annoyed look on your face and your ear buds jammed in your ears.

You turned a corner and were shocked to see a boy, sobbing on the ground, an adult standing over him.

Just your luck, now you had to deal with this.

"Hey, hey!" You yelled, ripping your ear buds out.

"Is this old geezer bothering you?" You asked as you ran up to the boy, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him up to face you.

You heard a faint "Old geezer?" behind you but ignored it.

"Wha?" He sputtered with a red face, tears still falling.

You growled and turned around, pointing at the weird old man.

"You should get out of here before I break your bones, old man!" You scowled.

A shocked look settled on his face and he held his hands up.

"Now wait a sec-" he started to speak but you jumped up.

"I won't say it again, you nasty sack of tar!"

You were ready to fight and defend the boy when you felt soft hands touch your shoulder. You turned to see the boy, wiping his tears off his face.

"What's wrong?" You questioned, slightly worried about the state he was in.

"This guy hasn't done anything to me, I promise. You don't have to fight him. I just get really emotional sometimes," the boy said, a smile coming onto his face.

You lowered your fists. You scowled again. Of course you would jump to protect someone and it turns out it is all fine.

You ripped yourself away from the boy's hands.

"You idiot! You shouldn't just start crying like that. People get the wrong idea!" You smacked his head, annoyed.

You turned to the old guy, and squinted at him angrily.

"And you'd better watch it. If I see you make anyone cry again... well," you slammed your fists together, showing him what you meant.

Mumbling under your breath, you popped your ear buds back in and started to stomp away. You stuffed your hands into your pockets and slouched down, just wanting to get home.

The old man and young boy watched as you walked away in shock.

"Well, then. I'll guess I'll continue where I left off. Hmm where was I?" The old man said, scratching his chin.

—————————————————a few days later——————- (yes. The old man is All Might)————————————————————————————————————

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