Police!1-A x Reader 🍄 Murder, She Wrote

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Hey. This one seems to be serious when it starts, but it becames pretty weird by the.. like 100 word mark. Lel.

You get a little time with all of 1-A, although some get a bit more time then others. I'm pretty sure I mentioned everyone at least once, but if I didn't, please remind me and I'll add them! (Only class 1-A tho)

Includes: cop!AU, basically a harem with all of 1-A, yeah, they all got the hots for ya, Mineta ducking dies


It wasn't meant to go this way.

You were supposed to stay in the shadows, be alert, and never be caught off guard.

You were never supposed to be caught with your pants down again. (Figuratively)

So you moved to a small town, and lived a quiet, outcast life. And you were fine with it.

You did pretty well. You kept to yourself mostly. But you had this one neighbor, who just loved to throw these huge, ridiculous parties.

So you fought with him every time you saw him, and the whole town knew how much you hated him.

Every time you stomped up to his house and slammed his front door open, he would only wink at you and say, "You're only jealous I haven't invited you personally to come to a party." You would only fume and scream at him to clean up his act.

What a little jerk.

And then someone murdered him.

And all eyes were on you, accusing you of killing that perverted little grape. So before the police could come knocking down your door, you went knocking down theirs.

You stormed into the police station, the secretary trailing behind you, trying to convince you to schedule a meeting with the sheriff.

"Please, I'm begging you, (Y/N)! I could totally lose my job over this!" Tooru pleaded with you as you forced the door open.

And all eyes swiveled to meet yours.

One instantly stood up.

"(Y/N)! You're admitting to murdering Mineta!" A blonde haired man exclaimed as he scurried up to you. His face was lit up, like the thought of you admitting to murder was the most compelling thing.

You merely looked up at him with a blank face. The rest of the station watched in a state of unease, not sure what to expect. One or two had their hands on their guns, worried you might try to hurt the young cop.

"No, Kaminari. I'm only here to establish an alibi."

The air in the station seemed just a bit lighter after that.

"An alibi? Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious, with you coming here first and all...?" Kirishima questioned as he swirled around in his chair slightly.

"Yeah! That's totally suspicious! And even with an alibi, she's pretty much the only person in town with the MO to kill Mineta!" A pink hair woman named Ashido exclaimed.

"She's so guilty, I mean, just look at her blank face. It's obvious she's acting," Jirou quipped.

You glanced at Kirishima, then at Ashido, then at Jirou, blinking without expression.

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