Hawks x Reader 🌻 Back Massage

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So this one is supposed to be fluffy but uh... I kinda of got a limey-feel when I was reading it over. I don't describe anything specific but.. well, you'll have to read to understand!

Includes: back massage, moaning, wing massage, rubbing (on back lolol)


Working under Hawks as a sidekick was the best thing in your life. You adored him, and you aspired to be like him, so being able to work with him so closely was like a dream. You hoped that one day you could be like him; successful, popular, and heroic.

Despite those thoughts, you knew it was highly unlikely you become anything more than a sidekick. You weren't all that powerful, or smart, or charming. You were pretty normal, actually.

In the beginning, you had applied to Hawk's agency just for the kicks. You didn't believe you actually had a chance to work there.

You were shocked when the agency called you in for an interview. You met with Hawks personally, and he was all over you from the start. Complimenting you, touching you, smiling that stupid smile at you. It was pretty clear that he had taken a liking to you, which was incredibly flattering.

He had offered you a job almost immediately.

Your job title was 'sidekick' but really, you were more of a personal errand-runner/maid for Hawks. He never let you go into the field. And in all honestly, as long as you got to be by Hawks, it was okay.

Today was a slow day. It seemed like no one needed saving. So you ended up in Hawk's office, doing absolutely nothing. You were staring out the window, not thinking about anything in particular.

You could occasionally feel Hawk's eyes on you, but ignored it as usual. He was typing away on his computer, most likely playing a video game.

Suddenly, he groaned.

Your head swung to meet his form and flinched as you heard the cracking of his bones when he stretched. His arms raised high away his head, red wings stretched out as much as they could be in the office.

"Oh no..." he muttered. He quickly got up and his eyes connected with yours.

"(Y/N), scratch my back."

You froze, unsure if he really just asked that of you. He was shuffling closer, a slightly agitated look on his face. His wings jittered behind him, almost spasming.

He plopped down on the floor in front of you, back facing you, and wings spread out.

"C'mon! It really itches and I can't reach it myself!"

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