Shota Aizawa x Reader 🍂 Misconceptions

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Imagine thinking you are unbeatable with your quirk, and then you meet Aizawa Shota, someone who can beat you in a blink of an eye.

Includes: first person POV, depression, mentions of self-harm, Aizawa pretty much kicks your butt, panic attack. Slightly masochist reader-Chan 


Every day was the same. Get up, get ready, go to work. Beat up villains. Go home. Go to bed.

It was all bland to me. Despite living the exotic life of a Hero, I found that nothing excites me anymore. Hero work was all about the challenge, right? It was about defeating villains that seemed impossible to defeat, saving people from situations they couldn't hope to be saved from.

It was about pushing yourself to become better, to become stronger.

But I was able to defeat every villain with a blink of an eye, and save everyone with a single breath.

So how could I possibly push myself, when I know there is no point?

I still got up everyday. I still went to work, and did my job. But it just wasn't enough. I found myself yearning for something I knew didn't exist. I just wanted to live. I found myself sinking into a deep depression. I found that I was able to live by feeling pain. I had resorted to self-harm.

But then I got the call. A popular Hero school wanted me to be a teacher. I had instantly accepted. It was something to spice up my life, how could I refuse?

So now here I am, standing in a completely white office room, legs rested on a table, head thrown back, and arms crossed. I'm not exactly sure what I'm waiting for, someone just threw me in this room when I got here and sternly told me to "stay".

My ears perked up as I heard slow steps coming toward me. Someone was about to come in!

The door swung open almost violently. I locked eyes with a man, albeit he looked upside down to me since my head was hanging off the back of the chair.

He scanned over my form, face unchanging.

"(L/N)(Y/N)," he stated. I hesitated. Is he trying to confirm who I am or...?

"Uh. Yeah?"

"I'm Aizawa Shota. I'm the homeroom teacher for class 1A," he stated.

Oh. So this was the guy I was supposed to study under until I got the swing of things. (Well, that is if I actually get to work here.) I think I'm supposed to be like his aid or something.

I got up as gracefully as I could and held my hand out to shake his. He stared at my hand for a moment, almost confused. Right, I should have bowed instead. Well, too late now.

"Nice to meet you," I said, my voice flat. I slightly shook my hand as a signal to shake it. He hesitantly grabbed my hand.


I got a moment to study his features. He was handsome, but his blank and sleepy face left something to be desired. (I guess the same could probably be said about me though.) He had long, slightly curled black hair. There was slight stubble on his chin, and for some reason I wanted to feel how bumpy it probably felt.

We released and he instantly turned around and started walking away. I shrugged and followed him.

Soon, we reached a large field. I paused while he kept going forward. He began talking.

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