Shouto Todoroki x reader 🌻 Merman

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That's my merman Shouto up in the media. Whatcha'll think? Honestly, I can't draw muscles and I can't shade anything. 😣 So this is a mermaid AU!! Backstory is: quirks originally came from mermaid magic, but as mermaids started to leave sea and mate with humans, humans were born were magic inside of them!!

Includes: beach nap, naked Shouto, bloody nose, mind-control


It was a nice day. It wasn't too hot or too cold, so it was the perfect day to go to the beach. Not a public beach, of course. Too crowded.

You were going to a secluded beach that many people didn't go to, but it was known for being incredibly rocky and weedy. You enjoyed the place despite that.

So you went to the beach, and placed a towel down (making sure no rocks were underneath first, of course).

Seagulls squawked over head, waves crashed against the rocks, and the smell of the ocean invaded your nose. All these things eventually lulled you into a calming nap on the beach.


"Hey, wake up," a soothing, male voice attempted to wake you from your slumber.

You resisted though, and ignored the voice. Maybe they weren't talking to you. You just wanted to sleep anyway.

Groaning slightly, you changed positions.

A cold hand suddenly shocked your forehead.

"Ahh!" Screaming at the freezing contact, you shot up and smacked heads with another person.

Groaning, you both rubbed your foreheads.

"What the-"

Your eyes slid up and met the figure of a male, sitting on the ground. He had two-toned hair and a scar on the left side of his face. His eyes were closed as he rubbed his forehead.

Your breath hitched as your eyes wondered down his body. He wasn't wearing a shirt and was very muscular. His legs shifted from the ground and you were met with the sight of... a dick!

He was naked!

"Are you trying to molest me!" You screamed as you scrambled to get up.

He looked up and connected eyes with you.


Before he could react, you had kicked him. He fell to the sand looking shocked. Then you pounced on him, raising your fists to punch him.

"You bastard! This'll teach you to take advantage of a sleeping woman!"

With a yell, your fists came raining down. But he was fighting back! With a grunt, he pushed you off of him and quickly stood up. He held his bleeding nose, his face emotionless as he looked down at you.

"I was just going to ask you where this place is, and if you could give me directions," he said monotonously, seemingly unaffected by your attack apart from the bloody nose.

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