Chapter 28: Church

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I wake up on Sunday morning to get ready for church with Ethan. I wonder what I should wear. I've been to churches that are really casual, and some where people wear fancy clothes.

I send a quick text to Ethan: What should I wear?

His instant reply: Clothes

Me: Duh! Dressy or casual?

Ethan: Dressy casual.

Me: You're no help at all.

Ethan: I'm wearing khakis and a button down shirt.

Me: Thank you.

He arrives at 9:20 AM in his sporty little Volkswagen, which I've come to love. When I climb into the passenger seat yet again, and he closes the door, I inhale the scent, loving that it smells like him. He grabs my hand as we drive back towards Lansing.

I'm pleasantly surprised when we arrive at his church. I wouldn't describe it as a mega church exactly, but the sanctuary is like a small auditorium. I can hear the music playing as Ethan guides me in. We find his family and sit down, but I intentionally avoid eye contact with Jessica. That whole situation still feels kind of awkward because she's made no attempt to apologize to me whatsoever. But at least now I know that Ethan really loves me and that her attempts at intimidation won't sway me again.

The place reminds me of my dad's church, although the service isn't quite as boisterous. People still sing and raise their hands on occasion, and I even sing along with one song I remember from when I was younger. I follow Ethan's lead during the service, and I sneak a few peeks at him when he has his hands raised. What strikes me is how sincere his face is, with his eyes closed, singing like he really means it. To be honest, the expression on his face reminds me of how he looks at me. I wonder how he can experience God on such a personal level. How does he have so much confidence that God loves him?

After the service, Ethan's father invites me to their home for brunch, which is a Sunday tradition for them. On the way to his house I express my concern about Jessica. "It doesn't seem like she likes me very much," I tell him.

He sighs. "I told you she has issues. I'm sure she'll be on her best behavior because I told her in no uncertain terms that I'm more than serious about you. I think she's starting to understand that you make me happy."

"Thanks," I say, squeezing his hand. After he pulls into his driveway, I place my hand on his cheek, turning his face towards me. "You make me happy, too," I tell him, confirming it with a kiss.

Brunch is fairly pleasant, and Jessica doesn't say anything particularly mean or hateful. She mostly avoids me and any kind of conversation with me, which I can handle for now. The other girls want to talk my ear off about the wedding.

The afternoon is hot and stuffy and still. Even in the air-conditioned fortress of Ethan's house, it starts to feel stifling.

The twins come running in, screeching, "Ethan, will you take us swimming? Please, big brother!" They giggle and goof around with him, pleading shamelessly.

He looks at them and then at me, and I can tell they're convincing him. "Do you want to go swimming?" He asks.

Swimming. There's an idea. The summer is almost gone, and I haven't been swimming yet.

"I don't have a waterproof leg," I remind him.

"Ethan has a swimming leg!" Annie yells.

He turns to me and says, "I'll go without mine if you go without yours."

"Where do we swim?" I ask, kind of interested since I enjoy the water. But my apprehension overshadows my interest since I've not yet had my full body on display since my accident.

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