Make it stop!

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Guys I know you have all the right to be mad at me and I am sorry for not uploading the next chapter but here it is!

-Your POV-

It's been a few days since me and Kat went to the arcade. Kat has been staying at my place, every night we would both have the same dream over and over again.

Each time I would try saving Kat but it wouldn't work and it would always end with Willow killing me.

And this brings us to now. I woke up a little shocked as sweat was dripping from my body. I look over to Kat to see she is still asleep. I was curious to see if she was still in the dream or if she had switched over to a different one. When we were little the way I would always see if she was fully asleep is I would poke her stomach....though the first time I did it she kinda punched me heh.

"Kat you awake" You say then poke her stomach then hurried to cover your face so she couldn't punch it.

Kat got up slowly starring at me but at that moment not even the dream was as scary as the glare she was giving me. I hurried and hid under the blankets scared for my life. All I heard was giggling coming from Kat and I peeked my head out from the blanket to see Kat just lying there giggling at my reaction.

"Hey that wasn't funny, you looked like my mother when I get F's on my grade card" You say with a pouty face

Kat laughs even more laughing so hard she falls off the bed and then you start chuckling. "That's called karma" You say and start throwing pillows at her.

"Hey! Why do I get karma your the one who awoke me from my beauty sleep" Kat says with a sassy tone and throws a pillow at your head making you fall off the bed too

I chuckled at Kat then got up stretching. "Dang well I am awake now" You say and started to get undressed to change. "(Y-y/N)" Kat blushes and covered her face "do you have to get changed in front on me".

"Why are you looking"

Kat blushes even more and turns around pouting.

I chuckled and finished changing. Kat looked at me and she laughed how my messy (h/c) hair was sticking up. All of a sudden I heard the door bell ring and me and Kat stared at each other confused and I go to open the door to see Willow standing there. "I'll never make it stop" Willow said and giggles walking away. I tilted my head in confusion and closed the door. "What did she mean by that" You heard Kat say from behind you.

"I'm not sure" You let out a heavy sigh and flopped down on the couch scared of what could happen to you and Kat if Willow ever came back. "She probably has a crush on you" Kat said laughing then sat down next to me.

Somehow with Kat around I felt if no one could hurt me if she was around I even remembered when we first met.

>Flashback to when they met, and yes I am a ghost who do this kind of stuff ooo~<

I was running down the street chasing my dog who had ran from the yard. I feel tripping over a rock to see my knee was all scraped up and had some blood on it. All of a sudden a little girl ran up to me concerned "Are you ok" She said her cute almost high pitched voice made me blush a little and kinda made my pain go away. "Y-yeah I am fine" I said and smiles the girl giggled "My name is Kat" She said starting to help me up. "My name is (Y/N)" You say with even wider smile from how kind she was "well I have to go cya around" You say and wave then start running after your dog catching up to it.

Again sorry for not updating much but here was a cute chapter and the next will be even cuter

For now bye my cute little kittens

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