The birthday that changed my life

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I will say that this was really a birthday that changed my life forever. And, on this day, I discovered how an apple can ruin everything. It all started like this:

I woke up in the morning at 7:00 like I always do. I thought for a second that it was a normal day. Then it all came to me. Today was my birthday! This day was anything but normal! I pushed away the gray blanket, and got out of bed. My room was simple. My bed had gray blankets (as I said before) and a matching white pillow. Next to my bed, was a wooden nightstand with a silver lamp. Across the bed, was a desk and chair. On top was a few books, notes, stuff like that. (I'm a nerd, as goddess of knowledge.) there was also a box filled with hair ties, clips, and pins. On top of the desk, there was also a hairbrush. Next to the desk, was a mirror. Next to that, was a closet. Across, was a door that led to the bathroom. (by the way, Natalie's bedroom and mine are connected by it.) Next to the door, was a large bookshelf filled with books.

Anyways, I headed to the bathroom door and stepped in the bathroom. It's like any other bathroom, sink, bathtub, etc. I looked around. I couldn't see Natalie, so I assumed that Natalie hadn't woken up yet, or that she had already woken up. I took a shower, then put on a yellow chiton, and fastened it with golden pins, and a red belt. Then, I brushed my brown hair and put it in a bun. Then, in my dark brown hair, I fastened a silver clip with star sapphires. I then put on my shoes and headed out my door to the kitchen.

"Hi!" said Natalie when she saw me. She was wearing a red chiton with silver pins and a pink belt. Her blond hair was in a braid. "Happy birthday!"


Natalie set ambrosia and strawberry pie and citrus smoothies on the dining room table.

"Wow! Thanks a lot!" I cried. I loved (emphasis on the loved) ambrosia and strawberry pie and citrus smoothies! Natalie grinned.

"No need to say thanks. It's your birthday!" I smiled and sat down in one of the chairs. I took a fork and tried a bite of the pie. It was amazing. I was breathless. The pie tasted... No.... it wasn't simply delicious. This pie was........ It was simply good beyond words. 

"Natalie, this pie doesn't taste good," I said. Natalie frowned.

"Really? What's wrong with it? I have to say, it's amazing!" Natalie replied.

"Oh, it's not amazing. It's so good...." I took another bite of the pie. "That I can't even describe it!" I could see Natalie exhaling, glad that I liked her pie. Then she laughed.

"Very funny Celesty." (Natalie like to call me Celesty. In exchange, I called her Naty.) I laughed. So did Natalie. Just then, we heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked eagerly. I was hoping it was my mother.

"I'll go check," said Natalie. I followed after my friend. She opened the door. Standing there was a beautiful girl my age, with long waves of jet black hair, and eyes like pools of the Pacific Ocean. They were a beautiful blue-green. I knew her. Her name was Aqua. She was a daughter of Amphitrite and Poseidon. She was also the goddess of helpful water that, you know, the kind of water that takes you to the place you actually want to go.  She was one of the few people that knew about Preasidio. How we met was a long story. Anyways, moving along..... She had on a blue colored chiton, with a silver belt and pins. and had her long, dark, wavy, hair loose around her shoulders. In her dark black hair, was a silver pin set with aquariums. She was carrying a blue bag. I knew inside the bag must be presents. 

"Hi!" she cried.

"Hi Aqua!" me and Natalie greeted.

"Can I come in?" asked Aqua.

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now