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"Well! We're there!" cried Natalie. We were in front of a beautiful silver palace.

"Wow," I said. "This is a beautiful palace..."

We landed our pegasi on the ground and started walking to Selene's palace. Just then, I heard a voice.

"What are you doing here?" I looked around. Standing behind me was... Artemis.

"Artemis," said Julia. The goddess of the moon nodded.

"I have watched you... Your mother is wise to think that Selene must have a clue...... I shall lead you. In fact, I was going to visit Selene. We're old friends. Come on."

Artemis led us to the palace doors. She knocked on the door 8 times, and it swung open. I watched, impressed.

"Come in," she said. We entered the palace. There was a silver carpet in the hallway. The hallway was simple, yet cozy. Silver lantern with star patterns provided a soft, warm light. Artemis turned a few times until we finally came to a white wooden door.

Artemis opened the door, and we all stepped inside the throne room.

The floor was tiled a blue and silver. On the ceiling was a silver chandelier. On the far end of the room was a simple silver throne, and on it lounged a woman with long white and silver hair. Her sparkling silver eyes were the color of stars. Her eyes were filled with sadness. On the woman's long wavy hair was a silver tiara with a diamond on it shaped like a crescent moon. She wore a long flowing silver chiton, held at the waist by a silver belt, and at the shoulders by silver clips.

"Artemis," she said, rising. "I'm glad you made it." the goddess of the moon looked at us. "Julia. Xander. It's nice to see you again.. But.... why did you bring them? I see you also brought Celestia and Natalie..."

I wondered how Selene had known our names. But then again. She saw everything going on in the world while driving her chariot. She must have seen us. But then... she should have known why we had come here. Suddenly, a thought hit me. She must not have seen that! I thought. Ok, maybe it wasn't a huge, important. But I have a knack for figuring out these things. 

"Selene, you see all in the night. Surely you have something about who stole the apple..." said Artemis.

"Why, there is something. I did, in fact, see the apple disappear, but I could see not a soul taking it. The apple simply floated in the air, then disappeared. That means that the person who stole the apple was invisible. Which means...."

"It was Hades." I breathed. Selene nodded.

"Or at least someone who had the invisibility helmet on. It was far away, but I could sense strong fear. My worst emotions were stirred. As you might know, the Helm radiates bad thoughts." Selene shut her eyes tight as if shutting the painful memories away.

"You must journey to the underworld. Hades's helm is extremely well guarded. Only Hades himself could have stolen the apple." said Selene, opening her eyes. Natalie nodded.

"I got it. We have to go to the underworld.."

"Thanks for the information," I said and turned around to leave.

"Wait," Selene said. 

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora