Hera's Quest

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"Now, not only is Celestia dangerous, but she committed a serious crime." continued Hera. What crime? I thought, asking myself a question for the millionth time. Then it all came to me. The crime was that Hera believed I stole her golden apple! An incorrect accusation.

"Hesperia!" called Hera. Then, the golden doors opened, and a lovely girl entered. She had long blonde hair and light brown eyes. She wore a white chiton, with a lemon yellow belt, and golden pins. Then she began to speak:

"My sisters were distracted, and it was night when I saw a girl with stormy gray eyes, and brown hair, wearing a black cloak. She took the enchanted golden apple. I ran after her, tried to catch her, but I couldn't." Hesperia pointed at me. "the girl looked just like her." then Hesperia bowed and left the room.

"As you can see," said Hera. "Celestia has stolen my golden apple. Since I am very merciful,(at this I rolled my eyes) I shall simply ask that she gather enough courage to return my apple in a week. Including today." Hera left the room, with a cold smile and the other gods followed, except for Athena and Zeus. When all the other gods were gone, the 2 gods approached me.

"What should we do? Celestia didn't really steal Hera's apple!" Cried, Natalie.

"Well, you must find Hera's apple," said Zeus.

"Yes. it is the only way. Prove Hera's acusion wrong" agreed Athena.

"But where do we start?" I asked. I had no idea where to begin.

"Well., the thief would most likely steal the apples at night. Visit Selene, sister of Helios. She sees all at the night. Go to her palace in the west." advised Athena. I nodded. Now that I had a lead, I might have been able to do this.

"But you shall not go unprepared," commanded Zeus. With a simple flick of his hand, a backpack appeared out of thin air.

"Inside are 2 changes of clothes. Something a bit more comfortable than chitons. There is also 2 magical never emptying bottles of nectar, a healing potion, a bag of fruits, some ambrosia bread, 2 sleeping bags, and 50 drachmas." informed Zeus.

"Thank you father," said Natalie. Zeus nodded.

"It's nothing."

"I'm afraid that I will not be able to help you much. I must flee Olympus and escape Hera. I'm sorry." apologized Athena.

"Its OK mom," I reassured. "You've done so much for us." My mother's eyes started to water with tears.

"You must go," said Athena, a drop of water running down her cheek. "Use the sword. And travel only at day. Since Selene rides her chariot at night, she will not be there if you arrive then." I nodded.


"Be safe." Said, Zeus.

"I will." Reassured Natalie, and we turned to leave the room.

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now