Where's the apple?

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"Alright." said Pari. "the question is: Where's the apple and the helm?"

"Let's think: If we were the thief, where would you put the apple and helm?" I asked.

"Well..." said Xandor. "I would want to get rid of the evidence as soon as possible. I would put the helm back where it was before. Then I would have hidden the apple."

"That's what I would do too," I said.

"But the helm isn't where it was before." Said Pari.

"That means that something stopped the thief from putting the helm where it was before." I reasoned.

"Maybe somebody came close?" Natalie suggested.

"If that happened, the apple and helm would likely be in the same place. The thief would want to get rid of it as soon as possible."

"The thief would also have to be able to dress up like you, Celestia. Or Hera could just tell Hesperia to say that she saw you," said Julia. 

My mind was racing. 

"Do you know if the helm is in the underworld or upper world?" Xander asked. 

"It's in the upper world," Pari said. 

"Then we should go to the upper world," I said. My friends nodded.

"Hold each other's hands," Pari said. I curiously held Natalie, who was next to me, hands. Immediately the world disappeared in darkness.

When I opened my eyes, we were in the upper world. It felt amazing to see Apollo, the sun, again. Wait. When we had entered the underworld, it had been night. Our last day had passed.

Before I could mention this, I felt something. Strangely, I felt numb and unhappy. What was it? 

Then Pari gasped. She raced away.

"Pari, wait!" I yelled. Me and my friends raced after her. She stopped at a large oak tree. I felt a sort of chill run through my body. Evil thoughts stirred through my mind of giving up this quest. 

"Pari," Natalie said, out of breath. "What-" Pari ignored her. She spread her eyes to the ground and knelt on the forest floor. She lifted her hands as if taking something from the ground. The piece of ground in front of her cracked and broke away. Under it was a huge golden helmet. Immediately, terrible, dark, thoughts broke in my mind. Under all those dark thoughts, a part of me knew what was happening. 

"The helm," Pari breathed. She took out the helm. I heard something inside.

"What's that?" I asked, trying to keep control of those dark thoughts. The helm did that. It made you have bad thoughts. 

Pari shrugged. She reached inside, then took out a golden clip set with diamonds. Strangely the clip was familiar. Then it hit me. My jaw dropped to the ground.

"What-" My friends asked, but when they saw the clip, their jaws dropped too. 

"The missing clip.." Julia murmured. I had never heard of a missing clip, but I had an idea of why the clip was missing and who the thief was. 

Nobody had ever stolen the apple. 

Can you guess what happened? Give your ideas in a comment! You will find out who the thief was in the next chapter. See ya then! 

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora