Wait... That bull's fur is blue.

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I spun around.

Normally, your first thought when facing a giant death bull wouldn't be: That bull's fur is weird.

You would probably think: Ahh!!! A giant bull is chasing me! I should kill it!

But with this bull, you just can't help thinking: what in Hades? Why is this bulls fur light blue?

At least that's what I thought.

Seriously, the bulls fur was blue. Blue.

Anyways, I lost precious time staring at the fur of the bull. Only when the bull charged straight at me did I pay full attention. I quickly drew my sword. When the bull reached me, I jumped to the right at the last second and slashed at the bull. My arm roared with pain. I grit my teeth. Pain stung everywhere. I screamed in agony. It was all I could do from sobbing out loud in pain.

It roared in more anger than pain and charged at me again. I tried the "jump to the side" trick again. It didn't work. The bull slammed into me and its horns slashed against my arm.

"Ow!" I yelled. Pain zoomed up my arm like a comet. Not again... I thought. I had already broken my leg! Pain was all over my body. It was more pain then I had ever experienced.

The bull charged at me.

What should I do? I thought desperately. The jumping trick wouldn't work, it had gotten the hang of that, so how should I dodge the bull?

Then all of a sudden, a volley of silver and golden arrows came flying, aiming for the bull. It roared in pain, and it was finally killed. I looked to see where the arrows had come from.

2 figures started to approach me. 

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryWhere stories live. Discover now