Saving my friends

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I woke up with a start, my heart pounding. Who were these people? They were a family.... A husband, a wife, and son... and I could tell that they were up to no good. The woman's granddaughter was Athena... who was Athena's grandmother? Her father was Zeus, Zeus's father was Kronos..... Kronos's mother was.........

Gea. Goddess of the earth.

Then.... The red-eyed man was Kronos.... The other man was Ouranos...... and they were up to something...

My weakness. I thought. My Achilles heel. It was friendship. But why friendship? Wasnt friendship supposed to help you? Well, at least I knew my weakness. That could help. I knew what my weakness was. Now I could control it.

I pushed all of that out of my mind. The important thing was saving my friends.

It was pitch black outside. I was pretty sure that it was the same day. If not....... I shook that thought out of my head. Think positive. I thought. I looked at the web where my friends were. No spiders.

I crept out and drew Silver. I cautiously walked over to the web. My heart was beating a million times a minute. My palms were sweaty. Alright. I thought. You can do this....

I took silver and took the sharp blades to the silk. It was sticky as gum.

I nervously cut at the strong silk. It was like cutting plastic. Possible, but hard, and also time-consuming. Minutes passed. Every sound made me jump. Finally, I had my friends cut free! Relief washed over me. But another thought came to me. Were they alive? Now panic washed over me. Thankfully, Xandor began to stir so I knew he wasn't dead. I took a deep breath, not realizing I had been holding it. Julia opened her eyes. She and my friends were pale but they looked ok. 

"Thanks," she said.

"Welcome," I replied, glad to have my friends back. Next Natalie woke up.

"Celestia!" she cried.


Next Xandor woke up. When he did, his expression filled with pure terror.

"Um........ Xandor?" I asked. "Are you ok?"

"Spiders!" he yelled. I turned around as quick as lightning.

Standing in front of us was a huge, colossal spider. Even bigger than the ones we had faced before. 

The Chronicles of Olympus, Book 1, The Goddess's FuryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora