Thinking of You

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With a sigh, I sat down at my desk, ready for another boring day. Behind me I could hear quiet, but obvious murmurs of conversation. Like most mornings, the gossip was about Rhys. I could picture him in my mind, slick highlighted hair, gorgeous green eyes, and glinting smile...

It was a smile that was rarely seen, but one that was always stuck in my mind. Nobody else understood him, they saw him as rude and unsocial. But I could see past that, I could see the good in him. Yes, he was quiet and kept to himself, but under all that he was just another kid trying to get through each day. He looked lonely most of the time, but I don't think he wanted a big group of friends; he didn't seem like the type of person who would want that.

All the conversations fell silent as the door opened. It was Rhys. He strode in, bag slung over one shoulder - cool as ever - letting the door swing shut behind him. I sighed, how did he manage to look that good everyday? People began talking again, no longer about him though. I watched, out of the corner of my eye as he walked over to his desk at the back of the room and sat down there, pushing a stray hair out of his face. I smiled to myself.

I'll be honest with you, I didn't know him that well. We hadn't spoken much, only occasionally about the class work. Despite this, I felt like we had a connection, like, somehow, we were meant to be with each other. But I know he didn't see it that way, he didn't feel that way. If only I could find a way to show him how I felt.

Whenever I see him, my heart races and I feel butterflies in my stomach. It's sort of painful not knowing who he really is. It seems like he wears a mask everyday, hiding his true identity from everyone. It's as if he's trying to cover up something, perhaps a past he cannot face up to. Or maybe he is trying to hide his feelings, maybe he doesn't want people to know the real him.

However, his looks made up for his introverted personality. He had dark brown hair with blonde highlights in it which he slicked back into a quiff. His eyes were a pale mint green, and his lips were thin and dark. He had prefect clear, pale skin which had a natural glow. You could see that all the girls were into him, but whenever they went to talk to him, he just flashed a smile at them which made them run off giggling. It was clear he wasn't interested in any of them. They would always be one girl who didn't get the message and would consistently try and make small talk with him.

I decided that I had to find a way to get to know him. It hurt watching him everyday from a distance, with out really know him. I wanted to get to know him, I really did. Maybe if I knew him better, I could tell him how I felt, possibly find out how he felt. I just didn't know where to start...

"Good morning class." Mr Kingston began, "Today we will be starting a project and you'll need to work in pairs.." After he said this, I zoned out. This was my chance, my chance to finally get to know him. I glanced over at his desk, he was playing with a pen he had taken apart...

"I'll take the register now." Mr Kingston stat down at his desk and began calling out names, "... Lewis Dawkins?"

"Here sir." I answered.

".... Rhys Williams?"

"Ye' sir." He replied in seductive Scottish accent.

"Right everybody, get into pairs and get on with your projects."

I could feel nerves building up inside me as I walked over to his desk. "Umm, h-hi. Can I w-work with you?" Inside I was kicking myself for being so nervous. He looks up at me and sighed slightly.

"Yeah sure, why not." He replied. My heart fluttered in my chest, was this really happening? This was my best shot at getting to know things. Don't screw it up Lewis...

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