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It was nearly three o'clock. I was sat on the sofa watching TV, trying to distract myself. 'He'll be back soon,' I told myself, "any minute now he's going to walk through that door." But he didn't.

I turned the TV off and sat forward with my phone in both of my shaking hands. 3:00. I looked over at the door but he wasn't coming back. "Breathe, Lewis." I muttered as I called his number and out the phone to my ear. It rang out with no answer. When the voicemail opened I hung up and called back straight away. I rocked backwards and forwards gently, biting my nails. Again, it rang out. As I called him back a third time, I stood up and began putting my shoes on. When the voicemail came on a third time, I grabbed my coat and reached in my jeans pocket for his address. Something had happened and I needed to find him.

It was clear that he wasn't going to answer so I didn't bother calling. If he wasn't st his house the next id call him again. Before I could do anything, I had to sit on the bus for twenty minutes. I felt so helpless. As I sat there, I tapped my fingers together and on the window, just so I had something to do with them. The anxiety was rising up in my chest, I could feel it building up inside me, slowly creeping towards my mind. My breaths were horribly shaky; I needed to get it under control.

After what seemed like hours, the bus pulled up at the stop closest to Rhys apartment. I cut though some streets, remembering how I'd been the shops by his house only last week. One week. Had it only been a week? Anyway, I found the block that his apartment was on and ran up the stairs taking them two at a time.

I scanned the doors looking for his apartment number. "105, 105, 105," I mumbled walking past rows of identical doors. Finally I found it and knocked on the door. There was no answer so I knocked again. Still nothing. My heart started pounding. Was he ok?

There was a window to his apartment a few metres away from the door; I looked into the apartment. It was a mess inside, like there had been a fight. On the right I saw Rhys, he was led down on the floor with his dad a few metres away and... oh... sugar... was that blood? Was he hurt? He must. I went back to the door and tried to open it. To my disappointment it was locked. I twisted the door handle but it wouldnt move. Instead I tried ramming it with my shoulder; after a few attempts the door swung open.

"Rhys!" I shouted as I almost fell over. I stumbled across the room to him. "Oh god! Rhys, wake up!"

"Lewis?" He asked with a weak voice before coughing. There was blood in it. I knelt down beside him and lifted him up so his head was resting in my arm.

"I'm here Rhys, it-its going to be ok."

"You have to help him, he's had a seizure." Rhys said trying to look past me at his dad.

"You're bleeding out Rhys. L-let me call for help." I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone. Barely able to type, I managed to key in 999. Someone's picked up ans I old the, I needed an ambulance. I explained that two people were involved one had had a seizure and was unconscious but breathing and that the other had been stabbed and was fully conscious. The woman in the call centre told me that and ambulance would be there in a few minutes. I thanked her and told her id listen out for the ambulance before ending the call. The men I turned back to Rhys who was drifting out of consciousness. "R-rhys, stay with me, please." I begged letting the tears roll down my cheeks, "P-please, I can't l-lose you."

"Hey, don't cry Lewis. It'll be alright. Just remember that I love you."

"I-I love you to Rhys. It's ok, it's o-ok"

Moments later I heard the sirens of the ambulance outside and ran outside yelling out that they were up here. They came up to the apart,net and began treating them both. One of the paramedics came over to me and asked if I was alright. I told them I was fine and that I wasn't here when it happened.

They took Rhys and his dad to the hospital; I travelled in the ambulance, refusing to leave Rhys. When we go at there, I had to wait in the relatives office while he was treated. I ended up being sick on the floor from all the anxiety. Thankfully, a kind nurse was there to clear it up and help me calm down.

The doctor came back a little while later and said my friend was lucky, the glass had just missed his vital organs. They were going to stitch it up and give him some antibiotics, then he'd be ok to go home. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god it was nothing serious.

It was ok, he was ok. I couldn't wait to see him again, find out exactly what happened.

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