I need to Prove it

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It was boring, being alone all day. I'd gotten used to Lewis being there, just laughing and chatting. After being by myself for so long it was hard to accept. But now I was used to it, I hated being alone. I wanted him back.

I'd been planning what I'd say to him when he got home - how I'd explain everything. I would forgive him, it wasn't his fault and I could deal with Matthew. The only reason he thought he had the upper hand then was because it was harder for me to get to him. Any other time, like in school, he would stay out of my way. He knows if we had a fight I'd win, so he doesn't bother. It's Lewis I worry about. Matthew has always pushed him around and could probably make him say anything he wanted to hear. So I just hoped he had managed to hold it together today.

I hated the feeling of being alone, so I went into his room. Ok, I shouldn't have, but it reminded me of him, of how much he meant to me. To think, I was never even going to turn up that lunch, I wasn't going to try. I was glad I did. His room was quite big, most of it was taken up by his gaming stuff. It obviously meant a lot to him. As he was one of the best students in our year, he spent a lot of time preparing for exams and studying (you could see that from the piles of textbooks everywhere) and gaming probably offered a release from it. It was the same for me, only I did it to escape from my home life and all the stress of earning enough to keep me and my sister fed.

As the thought of my sister came into my head, so did my job. I remembered that I had just disappeared from work and should probably tell them that I wouldn't be around for a while. I got out my phone and dialled my bosses number, he didn't pick up, he was probably trying to cover my lost hours. So I left a message: "umm hi, it's Rhys. Sorry I haven't been in work for a few days, I probably won't black for a little while. I've got stuff going on at home... you know what my situation is like. Call me when you get a chance and I'll explains. Talk soon." I hung up, rubbed my eyes and carried on looking through his stuff.

Eventually, I came across a notebook, I flicked through it. On one of the later pages there were words to a song, a love song and at the end of it the words 'for Rhys' were printed. After a moments thought I opened his computer (he'd left it logged on) and opened up some recording software. I looked around me and found his guitar. I tuned it up and played with the song a bit first. Then I hit record. It only took a couple of minutes. I listened to it and it actually sounded pretty good. I saved it into a folder which I put on the computer desktop. Also, I wrote a note in Word and saved that I to the folder too. Afterwards I went down the shop for a few things and then spent the rest of my time in my room...

3:30pm, he'd be back any minute. I sat up on my bed and breathed out slowly. I needed to show him I was really sorry.

His keys clattered in the lock downstairs and I heard the door open. I got up and walked across my room and out across the hallway. "Lewis?" I called out. As I walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, I-its me. I'm in the kitchen." He replied. You could hear the anxiety in his voice, he must of thought I was still mad. I walked into the kitchen in silence and sat down on one of the stools. "Look, I-I spoke to Matthew and the girls an I told them it was b-because I tripped and you grabbed my hand and... they believed it... they aren't bothered anymore... I'm sorry." He said stumbling on his own words. He looked, and sounded, like he was about to breakdown in tears.

"Lewis, don't worry. It's fine. I can deal with Matthew anyway, I don't care what he thinks. I've been worried about you all day, I didn't want him hurting you. I don't care about myself. Ok?"

"Yeah, but they all saw..."


"I-I didn't think you'd want anybody knowing. I mean, y-you've always kept to yourself and I don't see why I should make it any different."

"You're the first person I've really cared about in a long time, Lewis. I'm not going to... give up, over something stupid. Sure, I was mad when it happened, but now I've thought about it, I don't really care. I just want... you." I looked at him, my heart landing in my chest, he looked so upset with himself yet so surprised that I still cared.

"But I messed it all up, I'm sorry." He said as he moved round the counter and out of the room. I got up and ran I front of him, blocking his path...

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