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It seemed as if everything had just fallen into place. I was here, with the person I loved the most, eating pizza and drinking hot chocolate. I never thought that things would be like this; I never thought I'd be this happy. After years of fighting with my dad and working to keep my sister happy, I never even dreamed of having someone to love me back. Yet here I was.

"W-where'd you get the hot chocolate anyway. I'm sure there w-wasn't any the other day." Lewis asked before taking another bite out of his pizza. He stutter was clearing up.

"Oh, I went down the shop earlier." I replied. Lewis just nodded and carried on eating. Honestly, I don't think he ever thought we'd end up together. We'd been talking for a bit and now I know that he's liked me for ages, he was just too scared to say anything. I told him more about my home life and why I always kept to myself - I didn't want to hurt people, take out my anger on them. He understood. I was grateful for that. I don't think many people would have understood.

Once we'd finished eating, we put the movie on. We sat on the sofa together. However, for the first twenty minutes we sat apart. Then, after building up some courage I said "Lewis, come sit... with me." He moved over towards me and I put my arm round him. He rested his head on my shoulder. His breathing was shaky, he was obviously nervous. I was too, but I managed to hide it. I'd never been in a relationship before, I didn't want to be in one before I fell for Lewis. I didn't care about any of the girls or anyone else. So I had no clue what to do or say.

We sat watching the movie and I played with his hair which made him giggle. After a while, we ended up laughing and telling stories and jokes. No one saw that the movie had ended or that it was nearly midnight. Everything fell away and it was just us.

We sat on the floor facing each other. "Hey, I need to tell you something, but I have to whisper it to you." I said grinning.

"Oh, o-ok." He said. I crawled over, on hands and knees, to where his was sat. Then I pretended that I was going to whisper something, but instead, I tickled him. He started laughing and trying to push me off. I held him to the ground and leaned in really close. I stopped tickling him for a second and kiss him again. Short and sweet, no snogging or any of that. Our second kiss, just a special as the first. It made him blush again. I sat up grinning as he tried to cover up his surprise. "Oh... I... umm." It made me laugh a bit, watching him become so embarrassed.

"C'mon, it's getting late." I said standing up. I reached out my hand and he took it; I didn't let go once he was stood up though. "I'll clear up in the morning." I whispered. We walked up the stairs, hand in hand. "Goodnight, Lewis." I said letting go of him. He smiled and hugged me, his arms round my waist and mine round his shoulders.

"Goodnight, Rhys." He mumbled, "I... love you." He added quietly.

"I... umm... love you too." I said. It was my turn to blush now. When he let go of me, he giggled as I adjusted my hair trying to hide my red cheeks. He smiled and shut the door to his room.

I walked over to my room and gently shut the door behind myself. With a sigh, I lay down on my bed. I yawned and flicked the light off. It had been one hell of a crazy day. And I had a boyfriend. That was a weird thought. Somehow, things felt off. Then I remembered that my dad was still abusing my mum and my sister was hiding in Scotland while had the time of my life with Lewis. Yes, after all these years, I deserved it. But it felt selfish. Tomorrow, I'd deal with my dad, I'd get my sister back and everyone would be safe again. Tomorrow. Then I could spend as much time with Lewis as I wanted.

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