He'd do the Same

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It was nearly 9 o'clock when I woke up. Rhys had obviously decided that we weren't going to school today. I sat up and smiled. With a yawn, I put my hoodie on over my pyjamas and went out on to the landing. Rhys's door was open. I stuck my head round the door but he wasn't inside. He'd probably gone downstairs.

I rubbed the sleep dust from my eyes and walked down the stairs. As I got closer to the bottom of the stairs I heard talking. "What do you mean? Are you... ok... where?" Rhys was on the phone. To who? His sister? His mum? Was everything ok? I walked into the kitchen and stood by the door plying with the cuffs of my hoodie. "Yeah, ok. I'll be there in a bit." He took the phone away from his ear and let out a deep sigh.

"I-is everything alright?" I asked. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

"No. Ma's in hospital."

"Oh god..."

"Yeah. Dads fault. I'm going there later. She's... not ok. She keeps saying I need to go away with Annie."

"Will you?" I questioned. He probably would. It was his sister after all. I wouldn't blame him if he did.

"I don't know." He looked tired. Had he even slept? Maybe a little. He leaned back against the counter and covered his face with his hands. Slowly I walked over to him and out my arms round him, resting my head on his chest.

"W-well, whatever you decide to do... I'm here for you." I said. He took his hands away from his face and wrapped them round me.

"Thanks Lewis." He said holding on to me.

We stayed like this for a minute just hugging. It wasn't fair. We finally had each other and things were ok, but his dad had to mess things up for his whole family. No wonder he shut himself away so much. "I'm going down to the hospital later... is it ok if I go by myself?" He asked. Did he think I was going to be mad at him?

"That's fine, its you family after all. I need to clear up here anyway."

"Oh... yeah... sorry." He mumbled.

"It's ok." I replied. Rhys told me he was going to get ready and go out to the hospital. I went into the living room and picked up the pizza boxes and empty mugs. I smiled to myself thinking about how much fun it had been to just forget about things for a while. To just be happy. That's what I'd wanted for Rhys all along.

He came back downstairs about ten minutes later. Most of the living room was clean now, it could do with a hoover though. That could wait. "I'll see you in a bit." Rhys said. He stood in the doorway to the living room running a hand through his hair. He looked so... good. He was like any other person, jeans and a hoodie - casual clothes. But he pulled it off like a god. I stopped staring at him and looked away.

"Ok. Message me when your leaving and I'll do something for lunch." I said blushing. I walked over to him and smiled at him. He kissed me again, just a quick goodbye kiss that still managed to send shivers down my spine.

"See you later." He sighed smiling at me.

Once I'd finished clearing up, I went to my room to play my game for a while. I pressed the button on my computer and the lights lit up and it came to life. I typed in my password and waited for it to load. When it did, the first thing that I saw was a file in the middle of my desktop. It was titled 'For You'. Rhys must have put it there, because I defiantly didn't. I opened the folder inside it were two things a recording and a note. First I loaded up the note. It read: Lewis, these past few days have been crazy and it's changed me a lot. Thank you. I not k ow what things will be like when you read this but, I love you (hope you like the recording). There were two kisses at the end of the message.

Next, I loaded up the recording, unable to bare the curiosity building up inside of me. Rhys was sat in my chair with one of my guitars. I hit play. "Hey, Lewis." He began, "So I did so,etching I'm not proud of. I looked through this notebook and I found your song which said it was for me. Sorry, I know it was none of my business. But I want to play it for you." She smiled that seductive gin and adjusted the guitar. He started strumming some chords and began singing. I wrote the song that first night he stayed over, hoping one day I'd turn it into a song for him. But he beat me to it. I sat smiling at my computer. A tears fell down my face and I brushed it away as quickly as it had appeared. "Hope you like it." He said once he had finished. The recording ended.

"I love it." I whispered closing the file.

I blew out a long sigh and leaned back in my chair resting my hands behind my head. He was so perfect. He was mine. It was crazy to think that I'd watched him for ages, imagining what it would be like to have him here with me. Somehow, fate let us be together. It was amazing. There and then, I decided that if Rhys needed to go to Scotland for a while or go and face up to his dad, I'd let him and I'd be there for him. It was what I'd always wanted and even if he was hundreds of miles away I'd do anything to make sure he was happy. Inside, I knew he'd do the same for me.

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