Whatever you Chose

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"Ok, speak to you soon dad. Love you guys... bye!" I took the phone away from my ear and hung up. While Rhys was out I'd called my parents to tell them about him - about us - and that he was staying. I also just wanted to see how they were, we hadn't really spoken since they left. Rhys had messaged me while I was on the phone, he said he'd just left the hospital so he'd be back soon. I hoped everything had gone well. 

I went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself lunch. I sat up at the counter with my food. Just as I started eating, noise came from the front door and someone opened and shut it. "R-Rhys?" I called out, not wanting there to be an imposter in the house.

"Yeah, it's me." A moment later he walked into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. He rubbed his eyes with one hand as he put the teabag into his cup. He looked so worn out but it was barely midday. 

"D-do you want me to get it for you? Come sit down." I pushed the stool back and walked over to him. He turned to face me. "Rhys," I whispered, "what happened?" His eyes were red as if he'd been crying, I could see he still had tears in his eyes. Instead of answering me he just shook his head and tried to smile as more tears streamed down his face. I pulled my sleeve over my hand and wiped them away.it was unbareable, seeing him so broken. I slipped my hands round his waist and hugged him, he held on to me. "It's ok, I-I'm here."

We stayed hugging for a moment and after that I made him his tea and we sat down together. He pulled the stool round the other side of the counter so we were facing each other. Blankly, he stared into his mug, gripping it with both hands. What happened that made him so... depressed? Was his mum not getting better? I put my plate to one side and put my hands on his. Slowly, he looked up ans met my eyes. "Tell me what happened." I said quietly. 

Rhys shuffled uncomfortably in his stea before taking a deep breath. "My dad poisoned her, because she wouldn't tell him where me or Annie are. He's trying to find me, but he doesn't know I'm with you so I'm safe here. But..." he paused squeezing his eyes shut, "she wants me to go to Scotland, won't my nan and sister. I... I just don't think I can, I mean, I need to be here for you - I want to be here's for you. Anyway if I'm going to stop my dad I need to be here to do it." He started crying again and pulled his hands away to cover his face. 

"Hey, it ok, it g-going to be alright. W-what do you want to do." 

"I don't know." He said between sobs, "I honestly don't know anymore. I want to go so that my mum has peace of mind but I really, really want to be here with you - for you even." He looked at me again, "you're the first person I've ever... loved. I don't want you to be alone, especially if Matthew has suspicions, he has nothing against me. I know you can fight for yourself but..." he trailed off again, realising he had been rambling on.

"It would make both of us f-feel better." I said. I understood. Yes, I could stand up to Matthew myself burn it was so difficult to not break down later because of it. I was barely coping from what he said before, about things getting a lot worse for me. If Rhys was here it would make things easier for me and better for him (as he'd know I was safe).

"I think the best thing to do... is to stay. I really do miss to own whta good I'd be to anyone if I was in Scotland."

"Hey, l-listen, whatever you chose, whether you stay or go to Scotland, I'll -support you, ok?" He nodded and mouthed thank you. I breathed a sigh of relief, he was ok. "Oh b-by the way... I like what you did to my song." He looked up, instantly alert, and blushed.

"Oh... you found that? You really like it?"

I laughed "of course I found it, it was in the middle of my computer!" It made Rhys smile to. "A-and yes, it's the best thing... anyone's ever done for me." 

"Aww, don't say that, you're making me blush god dammit!" He looked away from me in an embarrassed way. How was he still hot, even when he was embarrassed about something? I look a mess when I get like that. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled that smile. THAT smile. "I'm glad you like it. C'mon, we've got the rest of the day to chill out." 

Obviously he had decided to put the Scotland decision to the back of his kind and try and enjoy the day. I was glad about that. Of course I wanted him to stay, but I feel he felt like he needed to leave, I'd understand. He finished his tea and stood up - holding out his hand. I took it and smiled at him.

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