Chapter Two

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The afternoon fell to an end as the sky became dark and luminous. Adam yawned and laid on his bed.
"The power of the future," He said as he laughed "What a stupid idea, but seems convincing"
His eyes fell heavy as he laid his necklace in his neck and took off to a deep sleep.


The next morning a message rang up that woke up Adam. He looked at his necklace and he gave a confused look, his entries were written somehow.

I woke up by the ringing of my necklace

I practiced my morning routine on aiming at squids, got a squideye!

7:10 AM
News reported a murderer near my school, a lady was stabbed to death from the Minevill Murderer

"W-What the?" Adam asked in suspicion as he tried to shrug it off from his chest. "Was I typing while I was half asleep?"
He laughed at his stupidity that he was to addicted in writing on his diary. He grabbed a paper with a picture of a squids and pinned it to a large piece of cardboard where he always does his target rutienes. He then grabbed a small budder knife and threw it like a dart, right to the eye of the squid.

"SquidEye!" He yelled as his eyes turned round, just like what his diary said what would happen. Adam kept shaking his head as he headed downstairs for breakfast. His steps became wobbly of him thinking pretty deep about his amulet.
'This is strange...' He thought

"A little cereal could clear my mind up" He muttered as he grabbed a bowl and a package of flakes, dumping in milk causing a mixture.
Adam sat down and ate with a spoon that was on his table.
He turned on the TV for some entertainment, but the news came out.

"News reported a body near MineVill Highschool, it was taken place yesterday night and there was shown stab wounds on the victims body," A news reporter said "It's been predicted that the Minevill Murder was the cause of this victims death"
Adam dropped his spoon on his bowl. "Am I tripping or does this cereal have drugs?" He asked as he dumped the food on the sink.

Everything's happening like the diary said what would happen. What is this???

8:36 AM

Surprise encounter with Zek and Ethan, going to school in the same directions as me

Adam left his home and began walking down the alley to his destination. He saw some of his classmates, heading their way to school as well. Adam looked at a direction of a familiar voice. "Hey Ethan!" Zek yelled to his bud as they talked and laughed to school.
Zek and Ethan? What happened to troll practice? Aren't you suppose to be in school by now? Adam thought while his eyes kept getting wider and wider.

Once he reached to school, the bell rang and Adam was off to Math class. Sensei Ian was holding a pile of papers and started handing them out

9:48 AM

Surprise Math Test in class today.
The answers are.....

Wait answers? He thought I wonder if these are correct... He hid the amulet under his desk and looked at the answers and copied them down to the test sheet.
Time was up and everyone passed up their tests up the front. Sensei Ian looked through each one of them and make a surprised face when he look at Adam's. Were the answers correct? He wondered as his class was finally dismissed.

Days passed ever since he had the power to predict the future, Adam has been pretty lucky lately. His classmates began to wonder.

"Hey, Don't you think Adam has been hella lucky lately?" Asked one kid of the group as they nodded. "He's been mostly avoiding the jock's attacks for their after school bullying, getting the highest grades in his classes," One of them said "It's like everything is going his way! Sorta pissing me off"

In the back of the school, a group of Jocks were there, waiting for Adam to pass by. "Ugh, where is he?" One of them asked. "He's been avoiding us, and he always comes this way!"

Elsewhere, Adam walked to a short cut to his way home. He looked down at his amulet to see an entry about the Jocks. "Hah, fools," He said "Now with my diary, you guys wouldn't be able to get me"


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