Chapter Five

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"M-My Future?" Adam asked as Ty gave a small nod. "I've been noticing you lately and speaking about you down in my diary," Ty said adjusting the headset around his neck. "It's also known as the Diary of Love"

Adam's throat became dry when Ty said the word 'Love'
I've never knew in my life that a guy would be having this 'thing' for me... Very strange strange when you think about it...

The sun was almost setting into night. Gleaming off its tan orange color into the area. It seemed like a beautiful afternoon, for Death.

Ty looked down at the elevator window with a serious look. "He's here" He said looking down at a strange humanly figure, standing next to the constructed building, armed with a machete and a biker mask that prevents revealing his identity. "Who is?" Adam asked as Ty turned to him "The serial killer that has been recently on the news," Ty answered "And the Third Diary Owner"

"The Third?!" Adam asked with rounded eyes "So that there's more owners?"

Ty nodded as he looked at the floor they were both landing, Floor 14. He quickly changed it to the final floor level before the sliding doors could open. "H-Hey!-" Adam said as Ty interrupted "This was the floor that you were suppose to die in if you got off"

"My diary told me that"

Adam could hear entries from Ty's headphones and he could mostly hear the word "Adam....Adam......Adam.."
"Why are all of those entries about me!?"

"Like I said earlier, this is the HeadSky Diary. I have always admired you," Ty answered "I think your pretty cute, plus I do it every 10 minutes"

"Please stop with the flirting" Adam said. Every 10 minutes? What is this guy? Sir Diary Owned Stalker?

"Without your future with me, you could have died back in floor 14," Ty said "You'll be first to be eliminated from the Survival Game"

"S-Survival Game?" Adam asked as he crooked his head sideways "Jesus, Notch needs to tell at least Everyone of the game!" Ty muttered loud enough for Adam to hear clearly.
"Everyone is relying on their diary so much to track each other down," He said "Just for committing or avoiding murder"

"So we have to kill each other?" Adam asked
"Yes, that's why it's called a 'Survival Game"

Back at the 14th floor, loud thumping could be heard coming from the stairs. The armored man head peeped up from the last stair. He looked around in confusion. "What the hell?" He asked "Where are they?"
The man took off his glasses and looked through his diary entries.

6:57 PM (Inside Building)

First and Second started heading up to the rooftops, trying to avoid me

"Crap" He said as he placed them back on and headed back up the stairs to the final floor. "Those kids could be clever," He muttered "Even in class, I know you've been cheating, First"

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