Chapter Eleven

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"Ty...." Adam muttered as the explosions just kept going nonstop. "I'm gonna die if I stick with him, well I am gonna die anyways in Ten minutes" He looked over at a classroom closely and there stood a working clock, still pasted on the broken walls.

1:15 PM

Defiantly in Ten minutes...

"Don't be so glum, First" Martin said with a smirk "We're all gonna die in Ten minutes from the time bombs I set up, So now shut up and wait till your dea-"

A strange flying figure interrupted him by hitting him right across his cheek and flew back. "Oh you just got boomeranged, Ninth" A voice said as Adam looked up. It was a man in a Batman suit.

"So, we finally meet, First" The man said looking down to Adam "I told you I'd protect you"

Is this some cosplayer? If so, I must have his suit! I need it for Comic Con dammit! Adam thought with an angered face of the message he got from his Mom.

"I made it to Comic Con sweety!"

"Oh really? Greeeaaaattt"

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"

"Not you XD"

I hate my Mom sometimes...

"W-Who are you?" Adam asked looking up at the man with the Batman suit. He smiled and took out a wallet with a medal with half of the police badge and a batman sign. He opened it up and showed his ID.

"I'm Ryan, A Secret Detective of MineVill," He said as he took out another item from his pocket. It was in a shape of a bat head and it flashes up, showing diary entries.
"And a diary owner"

Adam was nervous of the way he was holding the batterang. He held it as if he were to attack Adam. "Ah, Fourth," Martin said with a grand smirk "Not much of a surprise to see you once again"

"Whatever, Ninth" Ryan replied with an annoyed look. "Anyways, First, Martin isn't the one he's targeting at," He continued "It's me"

Adam was confused of the thought, if Martin's target wasn't him, then why would he want his diary instead of Ryan's? Well there's mysteries in the world you idiot.

"Let me explain," Ryan said showing his Diary "This is my crime and investigation diary, it tells me every crime and what to investigate in the next 90 days, but I have no interest in being in the throne of the creator of Minecraft of to kill"

"So you'd rather see me kill these hostages?" Martin asked with a smirk, holding the button.

"No, I just want to end this game as quick as possible, so just give up and let me kill you with the batterang" Ryan said pointing the boomerang directly at Martin.

"Oh really? You sure are an idiot you know that? I'm a terrorist and terrorist don't give up easily" Martin replied with a wide toothy smile. Jesus, he needs Jesus cause that smile is creepy god dammit.

"If you want it to end sooner, just kill First and then yourself," Martin suggested "That way I won't have any obstacles and kill the rest of the diary owners so I could become the creator!"

"I won't sit back and watch people die, even if that's the case" Ryan replied looking at Adam with a smile. Adam smiled back of knowing he is gonna live from being killed from him.

Finally! I'm saved!

Ryan aimed his batterang directly at Adam "I'm sorry it has to be this way, First"

"W-Why?" Adam asked as tears began to form around his eyes "Well, it doesn't matter anyways... I've always been a bystander, no one cared for me at school, my Mom isn't home everyday or month. What's the reason to live?"

"I mean, it's not like anyone's gonna care if I die now, except for Ty, he would go super Sayan mode if you do," Adam continued as he smiled with a sad expression in his eyes "All I know is, that I have actually been liked by someone. Except I always knee I was gonna die as a failure"

"Blah blah blah, Shut up loner" Martin said in boredom "Now, kill him, Fourth"

"ADAM!!!!" Ty yelled as he jumped out a widow that was behind Martin. "What!" Martin asked with wide eyes. Ty was holding a shard of glass and almost stabbed Martin in the back, but got pushed and rolled away.

"I'll give you signal, When I do, run and get your diary" Ryan said still pointing the Batterang at him "Got it? Its your time to shine, don't be a failure and don't let the other one do all the saving for you"

"Yes sir!" Adam said as he waited for the signal to be shown. When Ty got Martin distracted, Ryan threw a batterang at Martin hitting him to the ground.


Adam dashed towards the minefield.

What the hell is that kid doing?! He's gonna blow up any moment if he steps in any mines! Martin though rubbing his injured head.

"Go left Adam," Ty yelled to Adam as he zoomed to the left, avoiding the mine. "Go right!"

That kid is giving him directions!

"Quit it fluffy hair!" Martin yelled kicking Ty in the head. Ty winced in pain of the kick and the fact that it hit his Diary, or headset.

Ty stopped giving directions... Looks like no more mines ahead Adam thought running through the dirt and making his way to his amulet that was lying in the ground.

"That fool, there's only one land mine left and it's the one next to his diary," Martin muttered under a smirk "Yes, just step to the right"

Adam ran towards the diary in his right direction.

Martin felt something hard fall on his head as he looked up. Students who survived the bombs started throwing books, pencils, and a desk that a stupid person missed throwing at. You name it, they threw it.

"IDIOTS!" Martin yelled as he pressed the button and the land mines began to explode behind Adam. "EXPLODE QUICKER DAMMIT!"

Adam made a sharp turn and made it to the left and grabbed his diary. He took out a golden knife from his strap pocket and ran towards Martin.

"No! What are you doing!" Martin yelled as Adam got to his face and threw his knife towards Martin.


Instead of the knife sticking on the diary, it went towards Martin's sunglasses and to his right eyeball.

"GAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Martin yelled in pain as shards of his glasses and the knife impaled to his eye. "UGH! THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH!" He held his injured eye, leaving a bloody mess that could make your teeth cringe.

"Give it up, Ninth" Ryan said walking over to Martin. "Your injury is slowly you down and less powerful"

"THATS WHAT YOU THINK!" Martin yelled as smoke bombs fell around him in a circle. Ryan coughed and looked up, there rode Martin in a white motorcycle.

"MY DIARY IS!" He yelled driving towards the main gate "THE ESCAPE DIARY!"

Adam looked in awe of how quickly Martin got that motorcycle and the smoke bombs. "Looks like we lost him" Ty muttered. "Not exactly, me and the guys are gonna track that terrorist down"

"C'mon Ty," Adam said looking over to Ty, who's PE shirt was almost torn. "Let's go"

Ty blushed and nodded of what his diary told.

Adam and Ty become one,


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