Chapter Four

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Adam's eyes went wide, His body trembled as he looked looked back shaking in fear. The owner of the small model stood right behind him without any warning.


His diary began to make a weird static sound as Adam looked at it quickly.

5:16 PM (Inside a building)

Was chased by the serial killer and was killed


WHAT??? WHAT THE HELL IS DEAD END?? Thought Adam as he began to feel nervous.
"I believe that Notch hasn't told you about it yet," Said Ty "First"

"Tell me about what?" Asked Adam and hearing what he said after that "And First?"

"You'll find out if you survive your future," Said Ty approaching him "Cause Dead End, is death"

Adam gasped as he slowly walked back from him and darted right out of the door. Ty of course ran behind his trail "Wait up!" He yelled as Adam kept running for his life, out the door and to the city. He ran and bumped into strangers and looked back.
Ty was finally gone.

While reaching to an alley, Adam had a surprise encounter with Ty, again.
"You can't run away!" He yelled as Adam ran backwards and his amulet made a static sound once more. "How did he got there so quickly?" Adam asked as he looked down at his diary.

5:27 PM (Street)

Ty cut me off in an ally and I ran back

5:32 (Street)

There is a building under construction nearby. Better hide there. I was finally able to make it alive and I caught my breath

5:34 (Inside building)

Got inside the elevator

"Why does it always keep changing?!?" Asked Adam as he ran to the nearby building. Just like the diary told him to do and predicted. When he reached inside he looked around. The walls were gray but too dusty to notice it's original color. Some insects crawled in the unfinished flooring as Adam began making his way to the entry of the elevator. Two buttons were next to it with arrows. One with the side pointing up and the other pointing down.

Seems like there's also some more bottom floors under ground He thought

"I wonder if it works.." Adam wondered as he pressed on the button with the arrow pointing up. He stood there and waited. "C'mon... What if Ty finds me" He said stepping his foot impatiently. A sound of a ding filled the air as the elevator door began to slide open. Adam walked in and looked at the numbers on the side of the door.

Floor 14 should be good... He thought as he pressed the number button and the doors began to slide. Adam turned away from the doors and looked down at his diary, Nothing has changed...Not even the DEAD END warning

The sliding of the elevator stopped earlier than usually does. Adam looked back in confusion as his pupils shrank in fear.

There stood Ty, opening the sliding doors and entering the elevator.

"N-No!" Said Adam as he cowardly left to a corner "How did you find me?!"
"I didn't," Ty simply said as he took off his green and black headset he always had. "My diary did"

Adam didn't knew what to do, he reached in his pocket if he found something useful. He felt a sharp point that made him a cut in his finger. He winced in pain as he took out that object, one of golden knives. Adam grabbed it and waited for Ty to come closed so he could stab him. "That's not gonna happen, Adam" Ty said "Cause Thats the future"

Right in the spot, Adam felt soft lips touch his. A loud clattering sound hit the floor as Adam realized that he dropped his only protecting. His face burned up as he kept his eyes wide, never did he thought his first kiss was gonna be from a Guy! It seemed better than he felt that it would actually be like. Soon, they broke up as Ty smiled. "I knew that wasn't gonna happen because It's been told by my diary"

He froze. No way... He thought Another diary owner?!
It can't be possible! I'm the only one Thats suppose to have one! Only me!

"Y-Your joking, right?" Adam said with a nervous laugh as Ty shook his head. "Let me introduce it to you," He answered "This is HeadSky Diary, it predicts the future, except not my future,"

"Other than yours"

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