Chapter Three

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The days were going so well for Adam, until one day struck him into confusion.

The week passed, Adam was making his way to school, avoiding each if his enemies. He arrived in his school in safety from being ambushed or ganged up. Class started and Sensei entered the class and said his morning announcements and so on. "Alright class," Sensei Ian announced "Another pop quiz on math, hope you are prepared"

This shall be simple, with the help of my diary Adam thought with a smile as the papers were handed down from

the rows. He took out his pencil and hid his little helper under the desk as always and began the copying.

Time passed since the test began.

A grunt was heard from the 3rd row as Adam looked up. It was Zek. "Yo teach! On number 6, we've never covered it!"

"Oh really?" Sensei Ian asked "Well, try your best to figure it out and I'll teach tomorrow"

Zek sighed as he looked down at his test.

I bet Mr. Smarty pants in the back got this question he thought as he looked back at Adam, He really pisses me off...

Adam continued happily writing down the answers. If you want to know so badly, then try to read my mind to figure it out, Zek

With a flash of light, a student, turned back at Adam and gave him a smile, then focused on his test.

What the hell? Adam thought as his eyes rounded,

Ty, one of the school's most responsible students of all time, quiet a handsome one for the ladies. He had the good grades and looks, our school's very own role model

But did he knows what I thought of?
Was he reading my mind? If so, how?

Ty looked down at his test and took out some sort of clay material and started making an unusual form to it. Sensei Ian began walking around the class to see how everyone is doing in on their test, obviously most of them are still stuck at number 6, Wow everyone is such an idiot although Adam is cheating in his test and possibly Ty too.

Once Sensei Ian reached Ty and saw what he was working on, he said "Ty, were in a middle of a test here"

"It's just a mental exercise, no problem at all" Ty answered still focusing on his little clay model.

"Fine, just don't get to carried away" Sensei Ian replied walking away from him.

Ty kept working on the model as he gasped, adding a little bit of detail and smiled.

But, could it be that he could...... Nah

Class was finally over, causing Adam to make curiosity struck to him badly. He stayed in class when everyone left and walked over to Ty's desk. There stood her little claylike model and his eyes rounded.

A Herobrine model.

"I don't know what's creepier, the fact that he made a replica of one of my imaginary friends or that he made it out of dried bird crap" Adam thought as a voice was said behind him.

"Another one, Eh?"

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