Chapter Nine

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With just a blink of an eye, Martin was gone. He took out something out of his pocket on the fall that had a button in it. "Say goodbye to your precious school" He smirked as he placed his finger on it and pressed slightly on it all the way through.


Screams filled the noisy air. Bodies slammed through the halls, rip apart, or melted of the heat. Some tried to escape the tragic making item but it was no use. Flames arose to the ceiling of the eastern side of the school. "Well shit," Martin muttered standing in the middle of the school grounds. "It only exploded one side"

Ty looked up from his hiding spot. The place was a mess in debris. Smoke was in the air, fire could be seen, and no sign of life. "A-Adam?" Ty asked as he looked around. He heard a groan coming from behind a bookcase as Adam came out from there. "Phew, I'm glad your okay" Ty said with a smile of his safety. "Looks like Martin bombed the school," Adam said "That's a dream come true!"

"But he killed everyone in the eastern side of the school!" Ty exclaimed.

No one even hanged out with me, they were never my friends so why should I care?

"They are your friends!" Ty said with a cheerful expression "Everyone here is a friendly person that would never stab you in the back! Trust me!" Adam nodded with a smile, Ty knows how to make someone raise their spirits so much.

"Ty," Adam muttered "I-I'm scared"

"Also don't worry Adam, I'll protect you!" Ty said blushing a smile "I won't let anyone hurt you, touch you, look at you, or think about you, If they ever used your name in a sentence


With Martin, he looked around with a smirk. "This shall be good enough," He muttered as he grabbed a speaker and turned it on "Attention boys and girls! I am Martin and I am a terrorist as you can tell by the explosion of that side" He pointed at the eastern side of the school that got blown up. The remaining students looked helplessly out that windows. Some cried, shook in fear, and almost crapped their pants while some did.

"Why do you look like a wanna be Timberlake with that suit and crazy tie!" Yelled a student from the windows. "Because," Martin answered exploding a side of the school "That's why"

Martin looked down and took out a weird object out of his pocket. His diary. It was a white strange shape one, as if it were to be a face with a crooked smile. He scrolled through it to see the future of Adam and Ty.

"Now that I have all of you trapped in this school, you are all my hostages!" Martin announced in the speaker again.

"Does that means we don't need to go to PE?" Asked that same student again. "Unless your willing to run for you life, yes" Martin answered as a slight 'Yay' was heard from the crowd of the students.

A static sound was heard from the two as Ty listened to his diary.

11:32 AM

Martin explodes a bomb in class A-3

Ty looked up in fear at the small sign that was stuck to the wooden class door.

Room A-3

"Adam!" Ty yelled as he pounced on his away from the class. A large boom was heard from that classroom, leaving Ty and Adam in safety. "T-Thanks" Adam thanked in a shaky mood of almost dying from an explosion.

Looks like First and Second are avoiding my traps... They are smarter than I thought they would be... Looks like time for demands....

"Alright kids, here are my demands," Martin said to the speaker. "I want a Fourteen year old boy-"

"PEDOPHILE!" A student yelled as Martin exploded a side of the school again.

"LET ME FINISH!" He yelled in anger "I want a Fourteen year old boy named Adam, he's short, wimpy, and highly approaching from crapping his pants"

Ty sniffed the air as he held his nose. "Ugh what's that smell?!"

"Sorry Ty! Couldn't hold it in!"

"Bring me to me and I'll let you all live" Martin said as some students left their classes to find Adam for their safety. Zek and Ethan left together to find him as well. "We must find that lucky punk," Zek said clenching his fists

"Or else he will get us all killed!"

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