chapter 11 mick swagger gets shot

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Luna and luan crossed the border into ohio. It was one in the morning.

Luan:Were finally  out of michigan.

Luna: yep we are sis.

Luan:I would take pictures but you threw away my phone luna.

Luna:(giggles) ha ha yeah sorry about that. How about i buy you a new phone when we see a walmart how about that.


About 30 minutes later luna parked at Walmart. The two loud sister entered  the store. Luna saw somebody passing out flyers.

She went up to see what that was about.

Man:Hello ma’m you coming to the ohio state fair tonight. Mick swagger  will be performing live.

Luna gasped.


man:Yes are you a fan.

Luna:Yes dude yes.

Luna took a flyer and began doing a little dance.

Luan:um luna were in public and also the phones.

Luna:Oh yeah right.

Luna and luan got their phones went up to the checkout aisle.

They left walmart with their new phones. As they drove down the road luan asked luna a question.

Luan:hey luna remember when we gave letters to our crush years ago.

Luna:Yeah little sis

Luan:What ever happened with sam.

Luna:I don't know she kinda disappeared.

Luan looked over at luna with confusion.

Luan:What a minute she?

Luna:Sams a girl it short for Samantha oh i didn't make that clear.

Luan:uh no You didn't.


Luan:luna are you a lesbian

Luan asked as she blushed.

Luna:Yeah luan i am

Luan:Why didn't you tell us.

Luna parked to the right side of the road.

Luna:Because i was scared,i didn't  think you guys will love me anymore.

Luan:Luna your our sister we will love you no matter what. Your our flesh and blood.

Luna:Did you say blood.

Luna grab her stomach  in pain.

Her eyes began to glow. Lunas fang pop out. She looked at her sister like a hungry wild animal.

Luan:(scared)  luna think about what your about to do. I'm your little sister.

Luna then lunged at her pushing luan up against the car door in fear.

Luan:Luna luna luna LUNA.

Luan slap luna across the face, her eye stop glowing and her fangs went back in her gums.

Luna:Oh my god luan im so sorry.

Luan:Its okay  can we continue driving i wanna stop a hotel.

Luna put the car in drive and get back on the road. The fair was located in Columbus so they drove there. The time was 7:30pm ,the sun has set. Luna parked her car at a holiday inn. Ask the pair got out  they see a man near the entrance. The person had long brown hair that covered his face. As luna and luan got closer,luna immediately recognized the man it was mick swagger. Luna gave a silent squeal next turn to luan.

Luna:luan that's mick swagger

Luan:Go up their and talk to him.

Luna:You bet i will.

Luna got in her call and took out a pad of paper and rushed up to her idol.

Luna:Mr swagger can i have you autograph.

Mick:sure young lady who do make this out to.

Luna:Luna loud.

Mick swagger began to sign the paper. Luna was tickle pink. She notice someone dressed in black hoodie come up behind him raising a pistol with a silencer . Luna’s smile immediately disappeared. The individual began to fire the gun the first shot hitting mick in the back. Luna gave a loud scream,the shooter fired five more into the singer. Mick swagger fell to the ground and a pool of blood began to form underneath him.

Luna bursted into tears.

Luna:(sobbing)You motherfucker you killed him.

The upset luna tackled the individual knocking the gun out the person's hands. The hood persons fell to the ground with luna on top. Luan saw this ran to luna’s aid. Luna began punch this unknown person in the faces.

She got up and elbowed drop the killer in the face. Luan stood there in shock with her eyes wide and mouth wide open. Luna fangs pop out,she sunk her teeth into the person's neck,she suck the warm red liquid from the neck. Luna took her fang out of them. They retreated back into her gums.


She takes the hood off her victim to discover it was her former crush sam.

Luna:(whispers) sam?

she then gets up off the desassed sam. Luna give a anger look then kicks her in the head.

Luna: can't believe i loved you

She said as she walked back to her car where luan was waiting for her.

Luan:Oh my god luna….you….you… elbow dropped her in the face.

Luna:Luan i'm not in the mood

Luna starts up the car and speed down the road into the night.

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