Cole Mackenzie | There is a Place For You Here

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            Requested by: imthepennywisest


"Cole, I'm so sorry.." you stood beside this deeply depressed boy as he just came upon his destroyed little house and sculptures.

"Everyone is broken.." he looked around at all his sculptures that were broken all over the ground.

Your heart aches for him. He never deserved this. But people just keep hurting him on purpose. Do they not care about how he feels? Do they never feel guilty?

He was so vulnerable. He's just a sweet, depressed boy. How could you do something so awful to him and not feel an ounce of regret.

"Cole, we'll find who did this." You were heartbroken to see your boyfriend so hurt.

"I know who did this." He spoke as suddenly anger arises inside him.

Suddenly he started to run away from the little house and towards school.

"Cole!" You yelled from behind him.

Immediately you ran after him and followed him to the school. You knew exactly where he was going.

Cole ran inside the school and immediately tackled Billy to the ground causing commotion.

"How could you!" Cole yelled as he fought with Billy on the ground.

Cole and Billy where both trying to get on top of the other to be able to punch each other but it was useless. They rolled around as they grunted and angrily fought.

Cole was never ever one to get angry like this. But he was just so upset and hurting so badly. You couldn't watch because you knew how much pain he was in and you couldn't help him. You felt so useless to him.

But then Billy rolled into the hot furnace, "Ah!" Billy screamed in pain causing him to stop fighting and Cole to quickly push himself backwards on the floor.

Cole was in pure shock.

Miss Stacy came running in as everyone rushed over to Billy as his ear was bleeding.

Billy's screaming was painful to hear. Cole was in complete shock at what had just happened.

He sat on the ground with his mouth open and his face showing how upset he was. He didn't mean to hurt Billy like that. That just added on to the reasons he hated himself.

How could this boy hate himself.. he was so kind, so precious, and he was always so amazing..

Suddenly, Cole jumped up and ran outside of the school and out into the field.


As soon as you could, you ran to find Cole. You already knew exactly where he went.

You felt so much pain for Cole. He didn't deserve any of this torture that he always got.

There stood Cole, at the ledge. Your heart physically hurt for him. You couldn't imagine what he's going through and what he's been going through for so long.

You ran up to Cole and stopped beside him, "I came as soon as I could." Your breathing was raged from running all the way to Cole.

"I am sorry, Cole. I'm so, so sorry.." you felt so horrible for him. You felt his pain.

"Everything I care about.. is gone." He spoke as he stared off the edge of the mountain.

Tears began to well up in your eyes. And that lump in your throat started to come about.

"No sculpting, no school.." tears started to stream down Cole's face as he felt so much pain and felt so hopeless.

"I don't.. I don't think there's a place for me here." You couldn't bare to see him in so much pain.

You listened to the boy as tears streamed down your cheeks.

"I don't think there's any place for me in this world." Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he spoke.

Cole has been depressed for so long. You hated that you couldn't help him very much. He's always have such a rough time at school with the bullying and his drawings now..

Tears fell from your eyes as you wrapped my arms around him, "it's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it."

"And you bring so much." You hugged him so tightly.

"We'll figure this out, alright?" You never waned to let go of the boy you loved because you felt like if you did, you'd lose him.

"It'll be alright." You pulled away and wiped his tears from his cheeks with your thumbs and smiled reassuringly at him.

"I will always be here for you. You are so wanted, Cole. And you are so, so loved. I love you so much." You were crying so uncontrollably.

"I love you so much that it hurts. We will figure this out. No matter what." You said as you pressed your lips gently on his.

You kissed him as lovingly as you possibly could. You wanted to show him how loved he was and how much you wanted him to be happy.

You pulled back and spoke, "I want you to be happy, alright? You have so much meaning. Especially to me." You smiled at him before wrapping your arms back around him.

"I love you so much.." he cried as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck as he cried.

"So much." His voice cracked as he held onto you tightly.

"Please don't ever leave me." He spoke with a voice crack.

"I'll always be here."


I really hope you liked it! I'm sorry this is a bit shorter then my other imagines but I didn't really know what else to write for this one!

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