Dare 51: Elio... Why?

107 2 11

*looking at clipboard*

*turns to Star*

*turns to Elio*


"=don't you force them to do the dares?="

Only ones with ships that I like. I ship Yumalia, not Yudamai. Sorry.

"=Awww.=" *=sad=*

I can modify it to where Amalia does the waltz with Yugo.


Or I can have Adami slow dance with Anora


"I will hurt you."


"Darn it."

"_I swear. Adami, you can hurt her._"


"I refuse."



(Everyone watches Anora and Adami slow dance)

*chanting* "Adanor"

*also chanting* Adanor!

*death glare*

*_death glare_*

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