Author's Note

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A/N : I don't normally do A/N's on separate chapters but there is this important thing that I must address.

I'm sure you've heard about the Malaysian plane MH17 being shot down in Ukraine as well.. Words can't say how sad I felt that another tragedy has stuck Malaysia yet again, but this is all in the will of God. I believe he would pull us out of this wreckage and that we would be strong once again. RIP to all those on board.

As a measly 15 year old, I'm by no means fit to speak about anything related to this, but God bless everyone. Pray that God helps all the grieving friends and families of those on board. Please tell your loved ones you love them everyday because you never know when the last time you'll ever get to say that to them will be. If ever you want to talk to someone about anything at all, please do not hesitate to PM me; whether on Wattpad or Twitter.

My twitter handle is : @_cyberhater_ (There's a reason for the username, and yes, that is my personal account) If you want to contact me on Twitter, kindly mention me and state your username and that you're a user on Wattpad so I'll follow you back. And then, DM me about anything at all.

Remember to state your username on Wattpad and that you're from Wattpad so I'll follow you back. (since Twitter has this thing that if you want to send a DM, both users have to follow each other)

And I'll get back to you ASAP!

Amelia xx.

P.S. Am not sure when the next chapter will be done, but look out for it!

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