Chapter 5

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After another month of pointless missions, we finally received a mission that could possibly have some sort of action. An escort mission.

We were assigned to guard the Feudal Lord on his way to the Land of Wind for an important meeting concerning the peace of our villages. I'd think that the Downkage would be the one to handle something of this nature, but I guess it's none of my business.

We were to assemble at the village gate and meet the Feudal Lord in the next town over. I had left home early this morning and made sure to tell my mom I was heading out for a mission. I stopped by Mr. and Mrs. Sato's shop to grab some breakfast before heading to meet the my team at the gate.

It took me a while to get there, but when I did I noticed Satoru Sensei was already there.

"You're pretty early," he said trying to spark conversation with me, but I just sat down and simply ignored him.

"You really are a man of few words aren't you," Satoru Sensei said eying me. "I don't know if it's just your personality or if you're hiding something that you don't want anyone to find out about."

Even after that statement, I didn't flinch. My dad had taught me to never allow my face to give me away. I'd mastered the art of a poker face, but if a skilled sensor ninja were around I'd be caught in a heartbeat. When a ninja is flustered or lying, a sensor ninja can sense the fluctuations in their chakra, thus giving them away. I don't even know if there's a way to master that attribute at all.

"Either way, there's no reason to be rude and disconnected from the team. The main reason for this entire three Gēnin and one Jōnin leader set up, is to teach you guys how to work as a team, value your comrades, and hone your skills under the supervision and guidance of a Jōnin leveled Shinobi."

"I know," I stated blandly. Which isn't a lie because these details were discussed back at the academy, but keeping my family safe is much more important to me.

After sitting through Satoru Sensei's rambling for about ten more minutes, Hohimi and Akio finally decided to show up.

"Good morning everyone," Hohimi greeted.

"Took you long enough," I spat at Akio.

"Shut it! We're on time!"

"Actually, to be early is to be on time. So you're technically late," Satoru Sensei chimed in.

"Who made that dumb rule," Akio complained.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that we can finally leave out for our mission. We are to escort the Feudal Lord to the Land of Wind for a meeting about a peace treaty."

"Isn't that the Kage's job," Hohimi asked quizzically.

"Usually it is, but in some cases the Feudal Lords of each respective country meet in order to work out some form of agreement between the two countries. If the Feudal Lords can agree and push for peace between the two countries then the Kages are more likely to formally sign a peace treaty, thus solidifying peace between the two unless one of the countries decide to break it. Despite this being a measure for peace, there are some people who are against the peace treaty and even bandits who want to rob the Feudal Lord or hold him captive for ransom."

"So our mission is to make sure he gets there and back, safely," Akio added.

"Obviously," I retorted.

"You know, you really are starting to irk the hell out of me!"


"C'mon guys! We have to work together to pull this thing off," Hohimi said as she stepped in between the two of us.

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